Monday, January 4, 2010


Here's "Sweetness", the other David Cassidy-penned Partridge Family song that never made it onto the show. It can also be found on DC's Partridge Family Favorites album. You can buy the album as part of the "Old Trick, New Dog" package on DC's website.

I'm not crystal clear on the meaning of the lyrics but the song's beginning reminds me of "Stephanie" in that PF episode with Bobby Sherman. Lots of rare 80s pics as well in this YT video by inthe11thhour. Fashion tip everyone: large prints on jackets are rarely a good idea, in any decade (2:05). Were there ever some fugly clothes back then! I was a teenager in the mid-eighties and I remember being quite excited with my first trendy fashion purchase: a puffy cotton concoction by Naf Naf - in pink no less! It looked like pajamas. My mother, bless her soul, made me return it before I ever wore it out in public.


singmedavid said...

I like this tune too! These pictures are awesome!!

That's funny about the clothes. I was an old fuddy duddy by the 80s, working overtime, going to school, getting married, setting up household. A lot of my clothes for work were timeless fashions of my mom's - I swear. But she is a very smart dresser so I had a nice wardrobe, just not the typical one for a 20-something woman. Then, in the 90s, I used to get a lot of my casual wear from my sister when she was done with them. Her clothes were more trendy from the 80s. I had a lot of those oversized PJ looking pieces (lots of pink) except I wore them in the 90s. They were great for my pregnancy. LOL! They were very comfy too, I remember.

Can you tell I don't like to shop for clothes? I'd rather do almost anything else than that! Anything that I do have that is nice is because of my mom or grandmother strongly urging me to go shopping.

MaeB said...

I didn't like the song that much, but my God, this man's voice! I almost wish we were back in the 70s and he was still my idol. I miss being in love with him, it was so strong! I guess I don't have to add that it's ages since I was in love - sometimes I think I have lost the ability.

About the clothes: I also hate shopping clothes, nothing fits, not even during my thinner periods. And I always discover what's fashionable when it's already getting out of fashion! You should see me at work! Thank goodness I'm a translator, who never has to see any clients. I buy clothes for my daughter instead, that's much more fun!

LuckB. said...

The song isn´t that catchy to me but what a voice!
Strong and unmistakably
David Cassidy.
Thinking about the clothes in the 80s.....MG,terrible!

I was around 20 in the mid-eighties.
Remember that shoulder pads in each shirt and blouse I wore.And all that garish clothes and gold jewellery...gush! I remember it very well,it was so trendy back then and pretty sure I liked it. But now,....thankfully, these decade is over;-)!!

I liked shopping back then and even today I´m fashion-conscious.Certainly not over the top,but I like it,yes.

Thanks DD, this clip just threw me back in to the 80s for a moment;-)

singmedavid said...

Yes, MaeB and LuckyB, his voice, again, and again, and again. Like you, I can rave about it over and over again. It's amazing!!!!

I fall in love with him NOW when I hear/see live videos of him - then and now. How crazy is that? I think I may be ready for a boyfriend soon. LOL!

British fan said...

I love David singing this. Perfect young David vocal, what more could you want? It's great that some of these tunes are filtering though. Wont be buying the package off his website though, too pricy, bad David management!

Love David's mad 80's fashions. I was a fashion victim in the early 80's, wore bat-wing tops, ra ra skirts (very short puffy skirts) and those baggy 3/4 length trousers a lot. The colours I matched together were an eyesore. I had the 'big' hair too! Lucky for me I was short and skinny back then. Thinking back, the 70's fashions were better!

British fan said...

Just paid a visit to DC's website. You can almost see the tumbleweed drifting by. Not a particularly active site and it just occurred to me that no Christmas or New year message was put up for fans which is not very courteous. There's not a whole lot of merchandise for sale either and I was a little miffed that the only size T shirt they offer is XL, inferring that the fans are matronly in build. Hmmph!!

The layout/info on this blog and other fansites put that official website to shame. There aren't even any videos on it.

DC can hardly blame fans for turning to Ebay and other places to purchase things when they are not utilising these opportunities on his own website. I've seen merchandise/T shirts on other sites that are better, though unofficial. I thought he liked making money!

singmedavid said...

I agree with you, British Fan! Again, that cold contempt for fans from his publicist/manager coming through in flying colors. I don't see how Sue can be friends with such a witch.

That PF Favorites CD package at $100? It seems more likely that the few really hard core fans will buy it and then make copies for their friends who will make copies for their friends, etc. If it were even $20 for just the CD, I think they'd make more money since a lot more people would buy it for the pictures. Did you see what he's been up to on the News page? That was interesting. I wish they'd put dates on those snippets. I was thinking that they were being purposely vague, but I think it is probably just laziness.

Sorry, I'm not a JG fan.

Daydreaming David said...

I prefer "Mystical Lady" to "Sweetness" but as you all noted, young DC's voice is just too irresistible for us to pass on listening to new material.

British fan, you make me laugh! Tumbleweeds indeed. As for the XL shirts, perhaps management just overestimated the amount of male fans?

Can't take any credit for my blog's layout, I'm afraid. It's all Blogger's doing. Actually, I'd like to tweak a few things on it but haven't yet figured out how to customize the template.

Singmedavid, is it a fact that Sue is a friend of Jo-Ann Geffen?

singmedavid said...

Ugh. I had intended to answer this and must not have finished the post. I apologize. I do not know for a fact that Sue and Jo-Ann are friends.