Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Go Now"

Here's another song that David Cassidy and a myriad of other acts have covered. The most familiar version is The Moody Blues' but Bessie Banks sang it first in the mid-sixties. David's version dates from his second album "Rock Me Baby", released in 1972. Recently, the British group Simply Red put their modern spin on it before bidding each other au revoir. I can't find any fault with David's version and his voice in that first line is irresistible. So often, it's the first line he sings that hooks me. His version is my favorite of the four (very nice pics in this slideshow, btw). I also enjoy Simply Red's version though the emphasis is on the beat. The Moody Blues' voices annoy me and Banks' interpretation sounds forced.


Clodyne said...

Well...David's version of that song is far better than the 3 others.This is just my opinion. ;-)

singmedavid said...

I agree, British Fan! It's like this song was written for his voice and singing style. This is another he could do live playing the piano with soft rhythms in the background!!

I actually like all these versions pretty much. This is a great song!

And OMG!!!! THOSE PICTURES in the beginning, ESPECIALLY 0:44!!!!!!! If I could scream right now without waking up my sons, I would. Ohhhhh! Lustfest worthy!!!!

THANKS DD!!!!!!!

SLK said...

Thanks DD for another terrific clip. I love almost everything from that Rock Me Baby album---I think his voice was at its best there, and I like the songs the best as well.

The other versions---meh.

Daydreaming David said...

Singme, I don't think British fan has left a comment on this post yet. ;-)

singmedavid said...

Uh!!!! Sorry Clodyne!!!!!! I meant to say Clodyne. Please forgive me!!!

ContraryMary said...

I have a soft spot for the Moody Blues' version. In the late 70's I remember this being played in the disco I went to in the town where I grew up, so it brings back so many memories not least of a significant ex etc. Having said that, David's version is a very respectable version, but for me this song belongs to the Moody Blues!

Lynn said...

DC at his finest! The picture at 51 really made my imagination run wild. What do you think he was doing?

British fan said...

I love David's version of this song, his vocals are sensual, love the piano bits too. What is he doing at 0:51 - being serviced I shouldn't wonder!! Well that's how I imagine he'd look anyway.

British fan said...

I just saw this is a new vid with incredible pictures. Love the ones at 0:42, more faces of ecstacy. Damn the man, I was all but ready to give him the boot too!

singmedavid said...

Serviced, BF? LOL!!!!!!! These pictures couldn't be more irresistible if he were nude. Can you imagine all the accidents they would cause if they were on a billboard?