Friday, January 22, 2010

Inquiring minds want to know.

How do your family and friends feel about your interest in DC? How much or how little do you share with them? How much or how little do they care?

Is Mr. Cassidy still making some people resentful long past his teen idol days?

Do tell.


singmedavid said...

Ohhhh! I love this post.

When I mention that David Cassidy has become my almost all-consuming hobby, the women usually say, "Oh! He was really cute. Whatever happened to him? I haven't thought of him in years." That's exactly what I would have said a year ago. LOL!

My mom remembers him from the news back in the early 70s quite vividly. I'm kind of surprised by this, wondering if she was harboring any interest in him as a 30-something woman. She never mentioned him to me and I'm wondering if it was because she didn't want to tip me off to his mass appeal across the planet. I was clueless because I didn't really have a chance to watch PF. I just liked his voice and music a lot, but I wasn't crazed. She may have liked his music too.

My kids (teen sons) are a lot less understanding. One thought that young David WAS a girl. They both get really mad at me for laughing so much at all the fun banter we have dissecting him. I'm too loud you see. And recently, one told me to stop acting like a "prostitute" because I was ... I don't even know what I was doing, maybe just looking at videos of David and swooning, I don't know. Of course, that just made me erupt into more hysterical laughter.

One of my friends thinks I'm kind of nuts and am in great need of a guyfriend. LOL! She prefers Rod Stewart and actually challenged David's man card, calling him a girlyman!!! Imagine that! She thinks Rod is the deal, yet David is a girlyman? I dug up this video to compare to David's Mae live. :-) To be fair, I do like Rod Stewart.

And finally, I showed my 6-year-old neice the video of the very young David lip synching ITILY. I asked her if she thought he was cute, and she nodded yes. I can't wait to show her PF episodes. I'm so bad. But this is partly to get my sister back for showing my kids Scary Movie and Austin Powers when they were 7.

Please, pray tell, all!!!!I eagerly await your stories!!!

SLK said...

Oh, I'm the family nerd, no doubt. Have to be honest, though, and say that I'm not really a current fan. I like the David Cassidy I fell in love with when I was 6 (this would be different if he had recorded anything good after 1974, of course).

Mostly we just tease each other. I get laughs for DC, and I get to make fun of my sister's Bon Jovi crush. My friends don't really understand where DC fits into my other musical loves, so they think I'm weird. One friend says I was born too late, that I missed the Monkees. And my male friends know I loved the shag haircut, so they see the 70's hippie-dippy side. It's all in good fun.

British fan said...

Well here goes. I've mentioned David to some females at work who range in age from early 20's to near retirement. I work in a primary school. Some of the older girls remember David and liked him. Some of them would like to see him in concert. Like me, they had no idea he had been touring over here since around 2001! I think his publicity machine needs an overhaul. Still not reaching enough possible ticket buyers. I may show some pictures to the younger ones.

My own daughter thinks he looked 'girly' and thinks David looks better with shorter hair. She likes his voice though.

I have to be careful with hubby. He is jealous but is trying hard not to show it. He has little digs now and then or resorts to making fun of me (but not in a nasty way). I let him get away with it. I have to be sneaky. I tell OH I just like the voice (that is the truth of sorts!)and that David looks horrible now. I don't really think that (although I dont care for the face enhancements) but hubbys like to hear that sort of thing. I do most of my drooling when no-one else is around- makes for an easier life! I just tell OH it is a nostalgia thing.

My kids think it funny I email or communicate with other David fans. I keep my stuff private. They make fun and say Oh you're not looking at him again. They also say, wait for it, how do you know you're talking to other women and not men pretending to be women! Charming! Guess they're being protective and think I don't know about online safety!

Please don't reveal you're all burly ice-truckers or something. LOL!!

singmedavid said...

ROFLMAO, BF!!!!!! If only my kids could hear me now.

Daydreaming David said...

I prefer the term "husky", Bf ;-)

LuckyB. said...

When I became a reborn David Cassidy fan I started to find out what happend to him in the last years.

I googled his name,but got really a very few answers in German.
He is not known here in these days, unless people are around 45 they dont know who he is I think.

So...I mentioned him to my best friend.Of course she remembered him and she said..yes,he was a cutie.That was it.
In our younger days..speaking of the age of 19..20..we were musically protacted to
The Police,Billy Idol, Alan Vega,Saga(still love this group)....seen from this angle she couldn´t really see the connection to DC,I guess.LOL!

The other day I started my computer,the background poped up and my husband( a wonderfull greek guy) stared at it and sayd...David Cassidy??! So,DC WAS famous in Greece as well,I guess! ;-)

That was it.

My social environment is not that DC addicted I think, LOL!

Glad that I found this nice blog.The passion must be shared;-)

Kelly said...

Some of my older cousins share my love for David Cassidy and some just have to be snobs, too. I have a couple of snobby cousins who are younger than me. One says that David Cassidy isn't her type and her daughter (who is 20 years younger than me) had the nerve to say that David was ugly! Can you believe that? I mean, it's one thing to say that David isn't your type, but calling him "ugly?" That's just downright mean! These two just have to disagree with me whenever I like somebody famous. Why that is, I have no idea! They make me feel like a total dork just for liking David Cassidy. I don't criticize their favorites so I can't figure out for the life of me why they feel the need to criticize mine. At least some of my older cousins remember David and they like him, too. The thing is, you don't have to have been a teenager back in the 70's to be a David Cassidy fan. I was born in 1968, so I was just a little-bitty girl when David was on The Partridge Family. But I became a fan later in life. I even have a cat named Cassidy. She's an adorable gray Tabby polydactyl cat with an extra toe on both front paws. But back to David. I make it a point nowadays not to mention David in front of my two younger cousins. I know they're just waiting for me to say something good about him just so they can contradict me. I guess all of us David Cassidy fans have had to deal with people like that. I guess the best way to handle these people is to tell yourself, "Well, it's their loss. They don't know what they're missing out on." I've even decided that when it's my turn to get married (Whenever THAT is!) that I'm going to have one of David's songs played at my wedding. Hmm. Wonder what they'll have to say about THAT?

Clodyne said...

Your question makes me smile. ;-) I first discovered David when I was 14, almost 15, when he starred in The Partridge Family. Along with practically every other teenage girl at the time, I fell head over heels for him. My mother remembers the few magazine pictures I had managed to find and proudly pinned on my bedroom walls, including an adored gigantic poster at the foot of my bed. Ahh...the good old days!!

I only told my mother and some close friends about my crush - I wanted it to be my very own secret. On a few occasions, I tried opening up to other family members about it but they teased me. As kind-hearted as the teasing was, I didn't like it so I quickly learnt to keep my thoughts to myself.

Now, thirty-six years later, I'm still discreet about my interest in David. Apart from my daughter (who likes to tease me about it) and my mother, no one else in my family is aware. It's better that way. I only discuss it with others who feel the same way I do. My significant other knows I'm a huge DC fan but he's not the jealous type so it doesn't bother him too much. He knows that David is my "first love". And there you go, that's my little story. ;-)

Daydreaming David said...

Singme, your enthusiasm for DC transcends the page. I can hear your hoots and hollers from over here.

SLK, DC's RCA albums are all post-1974 ;-)

Bf, you're planning on showing pics of young David to your impressionable co-workers? Oh, that's playing dirty. :)

LuckyB, my blog has been visited by people located in over 20 countries, including Greece. Back then, Cassidy might have been unknown in Africa though I wouldn't be surprised if PF had been seen in South Africa.

Kelly, which David is your cousin calling ugly? THEN or NOW? Either time frame, lots of things can be said about his looks, but objectively, ugly is not one of them. How old were you when you discovered DC? I'm a year older than you and was seven or eight when I first watched PF reruns after school.

Thanks everyone. Hope others will chime in.

singmedavid said...

Hi Clodyne! That's so great that your significant other is not threatened by David!!! Seems like you are very lucky in that respect. We women have to put up with their ogling. We should be able to as well.

Kelly, that is such a great name for a pet! Or even a child. Had I thought of it, I would have been seriously tempted to name my child Cassidy! Here are some stats on the name Cassidy as a first name in the US. It's very interesting to note that it didn't start to appear until the 70s! LOL! This site says the name means "curly", but a couple of others include "clever" as the meaning.

Anonymous said...

It seems, I found this blog too late for all the action :-)
I too, am mostly addicted to DC.
The only odd thing about this is my age of 17, as I mentioned before.
I was lucky enough to be qualified for a history contest in Washington DC. My mom was going picture crazy and was downloading pictures onto my computer. Later that day, she posted on Facebook that what she thought was and abbreviation for Washington DC, was not an abbreviation for Washington DC, but for David Cassidy. And that’s how my mom found all of my pictures him.
My girl friends think I’m nuts. They admit he has an amazing voice, and that he is kina cute. ( I think, what? He’s gorgeous!) and they like some of his songs. I do like him better with shorter hair (think Marcus Welby, Bonanza episodes) but I confess, his hair, I kinda love.
My friends get to tease me about DC and I tease them for Justin Beiber.