Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yeesh! And you think I'm harsh?

I've got nothing on Australian fans. This is what one had to say about an "ageing diva" (oh yeah, she's ancient at 46) who performed recently in Brisbane:

"She couldn't entertain a dead rat, to be honest."

Read about the superstar's dismal comeback attempt in the land Down Under here.


British fan said...

Whitney Houston was on X factor (British tv) before Christmas and she didn't perform that well then either. Aussies will 'tell it like it is' anyway! But the press always have thateeir 'angle' don't they?

Br said...

That's 'their angle' _ I've had a hard day at work!

British fan said...

Oh I give up, now I can't even get my name right!

singmedavid said...

That's OK British Fan, we love ya anyway! LOL! At least you're not sappy enough to have gotten involved with some of those other article posts, like SOMEONE (ahem!) else I know. LOL!

Now that this article has been brought up, it seems to happen a lot at least to American singers/performances - they get lazy and their performances aren't worth the paper the tickets are printed on. It's just a general impression I've had, and I'm not sure how valid it is. Whitney Houston is an example that has always come to mind. I know she's had drug problems and maybe still does. But I remember seeing some performances by Mariah Carey and Aretha Franklin and being quite alarmed at the mediocrity. Perhaps David has finally succumbed to these cultural influences as well. It doesn't seem to bode well. Or do you think it's just human nature? He's usually been very good at ending on the high note. But for some reason, he apparently hasn't applied this practice to his current concerts.