Friday, February 12, 2010

Early Valentine's Day Present: Radio Chat Replay

Miss that radio interview David Cassidy did on the Afternoons with Casey show this week? Tomorrow's your lucky day. Penn's Peak Radio will replay it on February 13, at 3 pm, EST. Click on the "Listen Live" button at the top of Penn's Peak Radio page to listen to their broadcast. Test your connection now (you might need plug-ins).

(Thanks again Barbara!)


British fan said...

Are we going to get any info on the radio replay here or any info on the concerts this weekend. I haven't heard much and I want to hear about all three.

I need a fix of your blog - please!

Daydreaming David said...

Unfortunately, British fan, I was not able to listen to the replay of David's radio interview so I won't be able to add anything to the synopsis Singmedavid provided yesterday. If someone else has listened to it and has additional information to share, they are welcome to do so in a comment here.

Haven't found any concert reviews yet. If I do, I'll post about them.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why what I relayed from a friend who attended the show was removed. I was telling what she told me went on. Only good reviews are allowed, even if that wasn't the show?

Daydreaming David said...

Anon 4:42, I apologize but I deleted your comment by mistake. If you'd like to re-post it, could you do it under the "No One Here is Surprised" thread? Thanks.