Sunday, February 7, 2010

No One Here Is Surprised.

Still disappointed though. Every time David Cassidy has a concert date, I hold a glimmer of hope that he'll pull out all the stops and actually deliver something good this time. Because I think he still can. But, nope. Another missed opportunity at the Nokia Theater last night. All the more reason to "cherish" those albums.

If you attended the concert and want to bitch and moan, you can do it here. If you want to praise his performance, you can do that too but you better make it believable. Claiming "spontaneity" ain't going to cut it.

UPDATE: First uploaded video. A bit bizarre, no? Sounds more like a performance you'd catch in a bar-type venue than in a seated one. Double-click on the video to access the YT page. I'm sure the user will post additional footage of the concert.


ContraryMary said...

Oh boy, this is bad. He obviously is not in a 'good place' at the moment, and nowhere is this more evident than in his live performances. Yet more people who were so looking forward to seeing him, having seen him perform well before and having spent a lot of hard-earned money to see him this time, are disappointed. Not only that, but the comment about his sloppy appearance is really worrying (realise he was wearing the usual white shirt/black jeans which are now well worn now). All so depressing ...

British fan said...

It saddens me to read those comments when I see what a dynamic young performer he was and still is on occassion. David is going to have to start rehearsing more, do some of the old songs the way folks want and throw in some more material. It's so frustrating when the voice is still clearly there!

How can he ever hope to be taken seriously or shed his 'has-been' image with these sort of reviews. Not even an uber-fan comment yet to defend him. Geez!! What's he playing at and more importantly where's his self respect? I am so very sad.

British fan said...

The latest comment there quotes him as saying 'I suck, but you know that'. This is a place he hasn't visited in 15 years! I'm a little gobsmacked to tell the truth. Should we be worried about him or just plain throw our hands in the air and give up!

Anonymous said...

another review in later edition from same reviewer.

traceyd7 said...

I've just read the second review. Obviously, something is not right with him...the suspicions that he must be high or drunk to deliver so poorly. He was out in Australia in '02, did a TV show surprising some fans and was gracious, charming... not a bit like the Dallas interview.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks Anon - your link didn't work but I found the review nonetheless. This link should work.

singmedavid said...

Sounds like he was really off, not even status quo. That's disturbing.

British fan said...

Yet again my disappointment has turned to worry and concern, maybe because of the lack of defensive comments from his most loyal fans. Those close to David Cassidy had better sort him out quick if they truly have his best interests at heart.

Tonight, the piccy on the right makes me feel sad. Such a gorgeous, and carefree looking young man with the most beautiful smile, whatever happened to him?

Anonymous said...

Who knows what is going on. David got used to getting by in previous concerts by not doing much work. His people just put him out there to pay the bills, including their salaries.
The losers are the people paying money and attending the concerts.
Time to focus on Beau and KAtie. They are not a lost cause.

Daydreaming David said...

British fan, once again, you've echoed my thoughts perfectly.

Anonymous 8:39, do I detect a lack of compassion in your comment?

"Time to focus on Beau and Katie"? Really? You make it seem as if the Cassidys are an assembly line of talent commodities.

Anonymous said...

I read the review from the journalist in TX and she didn't impress me as a fair judge of his talent or abilities. You can't always believe what you read in the media. It's an opinion. Journalists are human beings and have their own biases and agendas. Who knows what motivated her to write what she did or what kind of mood she was in when she wrote it. I personally felt she contraindicated herself; on one hand blaming David for his lack of preparation, then judging him harshly for coming up with new material. Maybe she thought we wouldn't notice her topsy-turvy logic. It was a no-win with this journalist. I just saw the videos and I thought David looked happy, healthy and glad to be the event. He also looked like his charismatic self belting out the unique brand of vocals that have endeared so many fans; new and old. Personally, I don't mind if he changes the words or presents the work differently.. isn't that the fun and surprise of going to the concert to see such a unique artist? Still a fan

British fan said...

Anon 11:42, any chance you could direct us to the videos? Seeing footage usually puts everything in perspective. I wasn't so much bothered by the journo's remarks, more the comments by paying customers. David always had a reputation as a good and professional performer and a)I don't like to see his reputation tarnished and b)I worry about David's own view of his professionalism,since I would hope that David would not want his 'informal' concerts interpreted in such a way, bu the more casual fan.

His professional reputation should be of great importance to David as it's 'all about the work and bringing light into people's lives'. I care very much that he is respected and admired.

SLK said...

That video is just creepy. He's going along, sloppily, but at least getting through the song, and then the wheels fall off and he starts drinking water in the middle of the words. Huh?

There is SO much good music out there in the world to see; why would anyone bother paying money to see DC anymore? So many artists who remember all the words to their songs, don't make a farce out of them at the end, really can play their instruments, etc. Who love and appreciate their fans. Who show up for sound checks and put on professional shows. For example, here are two acts I saw last week (not the show I saw, but sounded just the same as these clips):

Williams Riley:

Jimmy Wayne ( :) had to sneak a Jimmy Wayne video in!):

That's what I expect when I go to see a show. Anybody disagree?

SLK said...

Oops, sorry, didn't make them into links!

Williams Riley

Jimmy Wayne ( :) had to sneak a Jimmy Wayne video in!)

singmedavid said...

Here's another: There Are Places.

British Fan, I too am concerned about his lack of support. Makes me wonder if it was really that bad overall. But, IMHO, from these videos, it seems like he was concerned about doing a good job. It would have been better if he got concerned about it BEFORE the concert. His voice can still sound really good. Certainly not as good as he could have been, but ... I think I'd still like to hear him live - I can feel the eyes rolling.

SLK, you've got an uncanny ability to pick out great groups and music. I never knew I'd like all this country music!! LOL! Between that and the music terminology I'm learning, I thank you wholeheartedly!!!! Say, do you have an audio clips of you playing the fiddle? I'd love to hear it!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think the nod to 'Beau and Katie' was just symbolic of that generation. The ones who grew up on computers and itunes. IT kind of what you have to savy about to get new music out there.

THis article from a David/Davy show was from a year and a half ago.

NOTE the comment section. The fans of David and Davy are split. Most people who went initially to see 'David or Davey' didn't like the others performance.

British fan said...

You lot are going to lynch me but I just saw that vid on YT and quite liked it! I am biased towards David and his guitar, yes he stopped to take a sip of water, yes it was very laid back and a little self indulgent but he seemed to enjoy it and so did the crowd (mind you I know he'd only have to stand there for most of the girls to appreciate him). If I hadn't read the reports and comments I would not be alarmed at seeing that performance on YT. I do wonder if all the 'mistakes' have become part of the act for him which perhaps would be a real mistake as only the most loyal fans who see him regularly would 'get' it. It's also a good excuse for laziness!

Yes, I too would like to see a polished show with the wow factor. This is just more same old, same old I know! I think even the fervent admirers would welcome a new set from David, it would be refreshing!

Now I'm heading for the hills!.....

SLK said...

John Lennon is rolling over in his grave right now (probably more at the state of violence in the world than at DC's pathetic rendering of his song, but still).

Singmedavid, one of the reasons I go to see live music so much is that it's so easy to see in a live performance who really has the goods. I saw six acts last week and they were all good, but Jimmy Wayne blew them away (I'm biased but he really did), and that band Williams Riley impressed me a lot! They did that Eagles song Life In the Fast Lane better than the Eagles did! I tried to find a clip of it on YouTube, but there doesn't seem to be one yet. I hope they record it.

Here's one band I would love to see live: Whiskey Falls. They do four-part harmonies. I love that kind of stuff! And if they're this good on a grainy YouTube clip, I can only imagine how good they would be up close.

No clips of me playing fiddle yet, but thanks for asking. Maybe next year!

singmedavid said...

Yup, SLK!! Wasn't David wonderful live in the 70s? I couldn't believe my ears when I first heard him. I was gobsmacked listening to it. I wanted to cry it sounded so great. Especially for his age - he was so accomplished, sang with so much soul.

I'm likin' Williams Riley a whole lot. Thanks again.

British fan said...

Damn, only just noticed Singme's link to another video of the John Lennon tune. I have to admit, that one wasn't so good at all. I don't hear David off-key very often, oh well, back to the drawing board ....

Daydreaming David said...

Here's a favorable review. Honestly, makes me wonder if she was at the same show. Don't get the impression this person knows David Cassidy's stuff apart from The PF. Like most people who went to the concert, I suppose. I think it's a shame that his concerts don't give people the opportunity to discover his solo stuff. At least she realized he actually did play guitar.
British fan, I had to stop the "In My Life" video after one minute.

ContraryMary said...

Just watched the YT clips and I thought Ain't No Sunshine was pretty good, except for the ending where he couldn't wrap it up. I too didn't think he made a good job of the Beatles' song. From these clips he looks really tired and lacks the sparkle that he exudes when he's on good form. If he is exhausted I can't understand why because, apart from these occasional shows, what else is he doing (assuming filming of 'the movie' hasn't started yet)?

singmedavid said...

Hi Mary,

Don't forget his horses! Where did I see recently that he spends 90% of his time on that?

Someone commented about him being embarrassed after following Davy and not being prepared. I did think he looked a bit embarrassed and perhaps nervous. You know, when you're not prepared for something? Normally he might be able to get away with it, but with the show that Davy did and then those fans that don't know David...

Daydreaming David said...

Singme, I'm sorry, but you're reaching. Not prepared? Seriously? The man has been doing the same show for three years now. Same songs. Same band. Same banter. Same freakin' clothes even. The clips so far don't seem that much worse than what's been floating on YT for a long while now. Perhaps as you say, Cassidy realized that his lackadaisical approach might not go over too well in that venue after seeing how Jones wowed the crowd. Still. I have trouble believing that with all his theater experience he couldn't RAMP IT UP on the fly. One concert goer said that he had the crowd in the palm of his hand but he didn't use it to his advantage.

No, to me, his performance reeks of self-sabotage.

Anonymous said...

From the sounds of the audience cheering, there was quite a bit of love for David! I was quite amazed at "Ain't No Sunshine". Wow, what a voice, amazed me. David Rocks!
Daydreaming David, BTW - I love your blog, it's cool to see what you come up with about DC, each day. It's nice that you have put your energy into this and supported David's fans. I'm a new fan and I love his music and talents.

British fan said...

Hi DD, I saw that comment about David having the crowd in the palm of his hand. Under normal circumstances that alone should spur a seasoned performer into an adrenaline rush and hopefully a decent improvised performance. I do worry about his state of mind/attitude to performing/stage confidence at times. It makes no sense whatsovever, in the pre-concert interviews he comes across as VERY confident, almost cocky,it all just leaves me bewildered. There is so much love out there for him which was very evident at that concert!

Anonymous said...

David has performed with Davey Jones as the 1st act for a few years now in some venues. How could David not be aware of Davey's performance?
As for David being tired, the times I see him there is always some excuse like he was sick or he was up all night cause his kid was sick.
With the Horses, I am pretty sure the horses are kept in upstate New York, near the race track.
David lives in Fort Lauderdale.

Daydreaming David said...

Anonymous 10:51: "up all night cause his kid was sick"? That must have been a LONG time ago. Did he really use that excuse? For what it's worth, I've heard clips of him singing when he had the flu (that show in Vancouver prior to the Hollywood Show disaster) and his voice was still pitch perfect and he was belting it out with the best of them. Very impressive. I have no doubt that on his worst day, David Cassidy's singing is still more pleasing to the ears than half of today's chart-topping performers on their best day. It's when he's not singing that it gets iffy.

As for the horses, I think Singme meant that his horse business was keeping him busy. I imagine it must entail some wheeling and dealing that can be done over the phone.

BTW, Anon, are you the same Anonymous who's already posted in this thread or a new Anonymous? :) Please, just pick a name, or a number - I really don't care - I'd just like to know if we're conversing with the same person or different ones. Thanks.

British fan said...

I believe he also has horses in Florida. I would imagine the horse business takes up a lot of his time, after all it is both his passion and business. Good luck to him with that. Yes, he does sing well,even when sick, in that he is professional, it's only the preparation/content/erratic behaviour that's an issue and which needs addressing.

If David performed the way I believe he could, he'd blow everyone away and promoters would be clamouring to book him. Who knows where that could lead, more acting roles, endorsements and recognition of talent.

singmedavid said...

I agree, British Fan. He seemed to do so well in everything else he did. I'm really surprised he settles for these less than optimal performances. It does seem like he doesn't really want to be doing it anymore. Perhaps there are some things he likes about it, but it seems clear that his heart isn't into it. He's supposed to be a perfectionist!

racehorses said...

Well he has 3 concerts lined up this weekend. At least he won't have the Davy Jones problem.

I found out that Davy own and races horses too. They have that in common.

Daydreaming David said...

I'm curious to see the advance press for those concerts. Are they going to go with the whole "embraces his teen idol past" BS again?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:42 This reporter interviewed David earlier in the week and wrote a very complimentary article about him and I am sure she was looking forward to the concert with a very good attitude. But then she saw the concert. The comments by others who went seem to validate what she wrote in the review. And what would any die-hards say? We know how things have deteriorated with his performances, and how many times can we fool ourselves or "defend" or excuse it to others when they see it right before their eyes. He has sung In My Life that same way for the past two years and never fixes the lyrics to the correct ones! And in that video he looks like he is in pain singing that song - what's with the facial wincing? He needs to do something to change his show and to change his moods. He can do better and it painful to see him floggin off like this. How many times, as DD says, can we hope it will be different, only to have it be more of the same. It does him no favors to ignore it, it would only help him for him to see and hear how others view him.

Mid-West Fan

Anonymous said...

This is the video I refer to with the pained facial expressions, and wrong lyrics, as he's done on this song at other shows.

There is also one of him singing with Davy by the same youtuber.

Mid-West Fan

Anonymous said...

Anon at 8:28am Feb 8th:
The theatre that the Davy/David concert happened a year and half ago, they said they will not have David back again. Seems he didn't behave well with the staff or backstage crew. :-/

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the audience there as David said in the TV interviews that he hasn't performed in Dallas in 15 years! And the 'tired' theory would work if he hadn't already been in Dallas from Thursday, two days before the show. There was a interviewer in Canada that kept trying to arrange a phone interview with David and kept getting the run around by his staff, and one of the excuses was David couldn't call because he had to take his son to school - except that Beau had been driving his own car since he was 16. He was 19 yesterday (Feb 8). At another concert last year David got all huffy about his guitar not working and that he could not hear any sound coming out of it, and then Frank his bandmate came out and turned the volume button on the front of David's guitar!! David didn't know to do that!??

Mid-West Fan

Unknown said...


I have to say that some of the comments about David are a bit scathing, I saw David two years ago at the Hammersmith Apollo, London and he was on top form that evening, but like so many people have said in their reviews of the recent concert in Dallas, it would be nice to hear all those classic PF songs as they were originally recorded, I was disappointed that he chose to do the fast version of I'll Meet You Halfway instead of the original and I was disappointed tha the did the fast version of Echo Valley 2-6809 as well.

I saw David (also at the Hammersmith Apollo, London three years ago) and he was on top form them as well, but like the majority of people have said in their reviews of Davids recent concerts perhaps he should start doing a bit more rehearsing especially the much older songs,but he should know them he's been singing them for over thirty years now.

Jane said...

It's not "a lack of support" it's experience in an exercise in futility. Any fan who enjoyed a show and tells about 'why' or even 'in spite of' -- which is their right and does not make them saps -- will, not might, WILL be blasted into oblivion with more 'this is why he is so awful' blubbering. On and on for days. For some reason David has always had a target on his back with certain stirrers and pointing out that not everyone has to love his shows but that many do in spite of or because of how he sings and acts, does not a lick of good and thankfully, most of us have realized it simply isn't worth it. I did not--unequivocally did not--like the Davy Jones portion of the show, but would not go on the internet writing about that. I was there and I saw that many people like it. Good for them. God bless. It's their right.

Stirrers up have a lot more fun (and time!) going back and forth with negative crap and it's genuinely not worth it. (And yes, I realize many will now write how THEY are fans and are only writing for his own good, blah, blah, blah. Well, for your own good, I hate your outfit and you used to dress so nice, what is wrong with you, are you sick, are you depressed, go to the closet and wear exactly what you used to ha-ha!)
We go to his shows, he has good sized audiences of us and he goes on and on. Because he IS good and because a large majority of fans realize it. Hopefully, most of us realize we don't need to come to these places and defend him. (yes, I am here, but I am a self admitted intolerant fool! And I realize this is stupid and useless. Go figure.) As he has said, we don't need to and he'd rather we didn't. He is used to the target on his back and he is not playing for those people, he is playing for the people who want to listen. Those who don't like it, shouldn't come to shows. (though oddly enough, they do LOL)
Go figure.

""Not even an uber-fan comment yet to defend him. Geez!! What's he playing at and more ""

Daydreaming David said...

Jane, thanks for your comment. I've never had the pleasure of seeing David perform live but I know that if I were paying $50 or more for a ticket, I would be disappointed to hear him muddle the words to songs he performs at every show, interrupt them to banter with the audience and complain yet again of an out of tune guitar. I don't understand these types of repeated "hiccups" in a show, especially not from a seasoned performer such as Cassidy. I know it was forty years ago, but he used to record flawless tracks after reading song lyrics just a few times and now, he can't remember the words to songs written by one of his most esteemed performers? Why doesn't he use memory aids if his memory is failing him instead of disappointing the audience with an incomplete performance?

Do you honestly think he is currently performing to the best of his ability?

singmedavid said...

Unfortunately, Jane, for those of us who are fans who have yet to attend a concert in the last few years, all we can go by is what people say and watch the video footage. When we see only one-sided reviews, what are we supposed to think? But thanks for explaining that to us.

It works both ways though, doesn't it? I've seen less than happy concert/event goers blasted for posting that, having their disappointment and concerns invalidated.

I think there is a lot more room on both sides for respecting and empathizing with other people's experiences, and for opining in non-alienating and friendly ways.

DCfan said...

personally I think David is poorly, I'm no doctor, but he is not in a good place at present. Hes not the same performer he was 10 years ago, damn hes not the same performer he was 2 years ago. Can so many people be wrong about this, I have not read a good review of his concerts for such a long time, and each concert has the same problems. I wish him well and hope he gets the treatment he needs.

Lexie said...

My freidn went to Penns Peak and she was not pleased with the show. She went excitedly, so she wasn't looking for flaws. But she witnessed some. She said David sang 6 or 7 songs and spent more of the time saying that he was sick and taking Dristan. He was rude at some points and he did tell a fan to leave the audience. She said that as people were leaving after the show they were commenting how how the show was not good. My friend is a fan and as I said before she was very much looking forward to the Penn concert. Now she feels disappointed. She said he just should have canceled if he was sick, it would have been better than having a lot of the audience remembering the show they saw.

singmedavid said...

I'm concerned too, DCfan. I'm hoping he's just gotten very relaxed about it, rather than it being something more ominous or disappointing. I'd like to see him in top form if I ever get to go to a concert. But, as long as he sings well, I'd like to see him before he retires. I've never seen him.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for sharing your friend's experience, Lexie. Only six or seven songs? I would be very disappointed as well.

I still have not found any "real" reviews on that show.

DCfan said...

why would any performer take Dristan before a concert. It causes drowsiness and impaired concentration. Is this just an excuse for the eratic behavior, the symptoms are so similar to alcohol or drug abuse. And isnt it amazing that David seems to be ill so often these days. Alarm bells should be ringing for his management and family or maybe the pay-check is too vital. Sorry if I have offended anyone here, but this has crossed my mind so many times lately. Even alot of the concert reviews over the last year appear to suggest there is alcohol or drugs involved. Why is nobody helping him, I don't understand it.

Lexie said...

(I have moved Lexie's February 15, 4:01 pm comment here. - DD)

I know these are not media reviews but I saw these two comments about the Penns Peak concert. They were added to the Dallas blog comments. Seems consistent to what my friend told me. I am putting them here only because this is a more recent DD blog and thought no one would see on the No Suprise one anymore. If you think of a better viewing spot for them, DD, please move to there.

Posted by Lisa @ 4:33 AM Sun, Feb 14, 2010
Went to see David Cassidy Feb 12 at Penn’s Peak in Jim Thorpe, PA . We were expecting a light hearted nostalgic evening of fun and music. Sorta started out that way but soured very quickly. The audience was 99% women who came to see their teen idol, everyone was happy & giddy. David Cassidy didn’t like that. He asked the small group of women sitting behind us to stop talking, then insulted them by saying they are probably complaining about their husbands because they burnt the macaroni & cheese, bought turkey instead of swiss. As if they and the rest of us were dumb housewives.

He was "sick" complained all night about his sore throat & kept his hands wrapped around his throat most of the night. Complained that the guitars were out of tune, no matter how many he picked up he couldn't seem to play. He also complained and bad mouthed Danny Bonaduce. We wondered will he ever shut up, stop whining and sing? He asked another group of people to stop talking. Folded his arms over his chest & said he would not sing until everyone was quiet. Apparently only David Cassidy is allowed to talk. Nobody was heckling; people were just having a good time. He pointed at them and yelled "get out". Everyone sat there stunned. After that the show was really dead & he could not bring it back to life.

The drummer got up and sang Brass in Pocket, followed by a looooooong, never ending drum solo. Next up each band member was going to do a solo. I kept waiting for the big hook to drag David Cassidy off the stage. Since that didn’t happen we left. First time I ever walked out of a show. Other people were leaving too; some told the box office they wanted their money back. At least the people in Dallas were entertained by Davey Jones, no suck luck at Penn’s Peak since David Cassidy was the only act. It should be his last.

Posted by Diva @ 8:38 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010
Saw the same show at Penn's Peak. A complete abomination. I knew within 15 min he was on something. Dristan, my ass. He basically spent the whole evening telling his audience he couldn't care one iota about them. He's super angry and still stuck in the seventies. I stopped idolizing him when I was 12 and grew up. He, on the other hand, has yet to give up idolizing himself. He said at the end of the show that he didn't think he would be coming back to Jim Thorpe. That was the one thing I agreed with all evening.

singmedavid said...

This is really SAD!!!! I hope he gets the help he needs!!! I still can't believe he would have acted that way if there wasn't something going on like you say DCfan. I can't believe this is all just an illness, divo behavior, and fan contempt. He does seem to get sick a lot too - yes, could be a flag.

Thanks for posting all this Lexie!

Audrey said...

Are you kidding me? Seriously???? People just want to bitch, to bitch. Always been that way, always will be.
A N Y O N E who has gone to more than 1 concert knows that he is playing with the audience when he does this riff or stuff like this. Anyone knows that. It's how long can we not cheer? how long can he do it? when will it end? ....It's a freaking game! He does it in ITILY as well.
This is ridiculous, if you don't like his concerts fine, who cares, don't go. But anyone who does not even know that the end of this song is a GAME with us the audience, then their opinion on anything else just isn't worth anything, I'm sorry, but that's the truth. The stretching out of the notes is classic Cassidy in concert and anyone familiar at all knows that.

""SLK said...
That video is just creepy. He's going along, sloppily, but at least getting through the song, and then the wheels fall off and he starts drinking water in the middle of the words. Huh?""

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for your comment, Audrey. So, it's a game? Didn't realize that as I've never been to one of his concerts. It doesn't really look like a game in this clip. I've seen older clips where it's obvious he's playing with the audience as you describe, but sorry, it's not obvious in this clip. We'll have to take your word for it since you've been to more than one concert and seem to be quite "in the know" as to all things Cassidy in concert. It just reinforces our impression that he's playing to only part of his audience: those die-hard fans in the front rows. It's a shame because I think his talent should be enjoyed by the majority of the audience but hey, it's his concert and if he wants to entertain only those regulars who follow him to every venue, through rain, sleet or snow, hey, less power to him.

However, your statement that "anyone who does not even know that the end of this song is a GAME with us the audience, then their opinion on anything else just isn't worth anything..." is absurd. Even if you meant "anything else about DC", it's a silly thing to assert. That tidbit of knowledge is NOT essential to expressing a valid opinion on David Cassidy's performance or talent, sorry.