Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Santa Claus is Coming to Town"

Well, he is. And our little one is starting to believe us and getting to bed without a fuss. So there.

Once again, David Cassidy with The Partridge Family:

For the heck of it and some cute pictures, this is Frank Sinatra's version:

Now, I'm not overly fond of either arrangement - each fussy in its own way - but listen to the vocals. Can someone explain to me why Frank Sinatra is considered to be among the top male singers EVER? I don't hear it. I really don't.


singmedavid said...

Thanks DD. I agree that Frank's voice doesn't seem to be anything special in this song. David's voice is a lot more enjoyable. But I think Frank does a very good job on some of these songs in In the Wee Small Hours. I can hear David singing some of these too. Oo!!! I love that thought. Some of this music is pretty sexy.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for chiming in, Singme and for the link. I've listened to about half the samples on that album and nope, his voice just doesn't do it for me. I recognize that Sinatra's singing is technically perfect, etc., but I guess it boils down to whether a singer's voice moves you or it doesn't - perhaps the reasons are all subconscious and subjective?

I'm really doing my best to keep an open mind on Frankie so I listened to all of "When Your Lover Has Gone". Reviewers wax poetic on his emotional delivery here (apparently he broke down after recording the song) but he sounds flat to me and worse, even if I did believe he was sad or even despondent, I wouldn't care.

When young David's sad, I believe him and what's more, I SO want to make him feel better ;-)

British fan said...

Sometimes Frank Sinatra sounds good. I think what you mean is that he doesn't give an emotional connection. He's not soulful, just 'sings'. In his later years he should have given up as the voice was gone, but he's not the only singer whose made this mistake.

David's pitch has been altered on this song, I prefer it untouched but it's still a cute tune.

LuckyB. said...

Can´t take a look at the first clip you posted,DD...

I like this kind of swing music Frank Sinatra made and from time to time I like to listen to him.His voice is not bad, but it does not touch me emotionally.

Can´t help.....
David´s voice IS touching me...again and again ;-)

SLK said...

That's weird, I just posted something and it said it saved it, but it didn't. Hmmpf. Basically I was agreeing about Sinatra. He never did it for me either.

singmedavid said...

That is an excellent comparison, DD!! Thanks! I think I see what you all mean. Frank never seems to really let loose like David does. Every note Frank sings seems honed to perfection and very controlled: technically perfect, as you say. Whereas David sings from his heart in that song, where his emotion and soul draw us in.

Daydreaming David said...

Lucky B, how annoying! I changed something to the embedding of that first clip - could you try it again? The video is on SumerKis38's YT channel. Can you view her other videos?

British fan, I couldn't tell that David's pitch was changed on that song! Really? You have a good ear!

Singmedavid, you might be right in that David sings from the heart compared to Frank, but so many people think Frank sings from the heart as well that I think whether or not we are moved by a singer has more to do with how pleasant we perceive a singer's voice to be. Am I making sense? One singer's voice might be pleasant to me and annoy you, etc. I certainly had no part in making Celine Dion a superstar, for example. I find her voice too nasal but her fans must thrill to hear her sing, no? How to explain how some of us don't tire of David's voice? How to explain that some of us claim we'd pay to hear him read a phone book?

I'm sure that the songs that Frank Sinatra sang played a huge part in his appeal. He's sung some of the most beautiful songs of the 20th century. Actually, there are two songs of his that give me chills and they are from the later part of his career: "September Song" and "My Way". The songs' lyrics might have more to do with my response than his voice does though.

singmedavid said...

DD, I've seen reviews of Frank's singing as lacking in emotion too. But maybe it is like you said, it's just a matter of preference. Still, when I compare the two songs that you presented, the difference seems very clear to me.

I do still like the timbre of Frank's voice and the quality of his singing. You're right, a lot of those songs are beautiful too. For me, there is still much to be enjoyed by listening to him.

But since I can't listen to both at the same time, I'll have to choose David!! LOL!

singmedavid said...

I just saw that Sesame Street clip that SLK posted about a few days ago!! That was GREAT!!! Very entertaining. Thanks!

SLK said...

Oh good, nobody seems to mind if I hijack a thread. So I'm gonna do it again!

I've always liked country music, I think because sometimes it's the last bastion of true talent in the commercial music industry---(for the most part) singers can really sing, players can really play, and the songs are often really well-written. It makes me wonder how David Cassidy would have done if he had gone to Nashville instead of Los Angeles.

So I just found this guy yesterday (can't believe I've missed him all these years) Jimmy Wayne---anyone ever heard of him? So, in the spirit of Daydreaming's challenge to find great male singers, here's him singing Do You Believe Me Now. I've had it running through my head a good 24 hours now. Two other impressive things about him---he has a tumultuous backstory---grew up in foster care---and (I swear it's true) he's 37 years old. It's like he stepped in a time machine when he was 22!

Anyway, enjoy!

SLK said...

And I would be remiss if I didn't also link to Sara Smile...

British fan said...

Damn, you've got me doubting it now DD. I'm almost sure the pitch is changed. His voice sounds similar to the songs on the first two albums. I've got used to listening to his later stuff where his voice is much deeper. I can't believe how different he can make his voice sound on some tracks.

LuckyB. said...

No,DD, it does not work and can´t watch it on SumerKis YT channel.

I agree with you.If you are touched of a singers voice has a lot to do with how you perceive it to be.
What sounds special to me,might sound very different to someone else.

YES...wouldn´t it be great to hear him read his book "Could It Be Forever" for me a phonebook;-))

Daydreaming David said...

Lucky B, I can't believe I never thought of that: his autobiography as an audio book!! How obvious is that?!? Good dog, people, would that sell or what?! I wonder if it's ever been considered. What a brilliant idea, Lucky B. Who's game to ask his management or email DC through his website about it? Oops, before I get all crazy over this: are autobiographies usually read by their author? I'm so disappointed for you, Lucky B., that you can't view Sumer's videos. She has practically the whole PF discography up with the most gorgeous pics of David.

Singmedavid: people who place Sinatra at the top could not have heard David ;-)

SLK, YOWZA. Those two live clips you linked to intrigued me enough to seek out more. The fifth song I hit - "Belongs to You", a studio recording - hooked me completely. This man's voice has knee-weakening power in spades. Sweet, warm AND sexy. A very rare trio of attributes for male singers as my casual search proves, but the ultimate to my ears. I'm making a list of singers who have it (and checking it twice). The list so far is very, very short. To anyone out there wondering if they should check out Mr. Wayne: his "you" in "Belongs to You" is as sweet as David's. Oh, and that "thank you you all" at the end of "Do You Believe Me Now" ain't too shabby either;-) Enjoy! Thank you, SLK!!

BTW, SLK, I've read that there were plans for DC to record a country music album in the late 70s.

Daydreaming David said...

Crap, SLK. That Jimmy Wayne? Me likey. (For those of you who don't care for country music, he rocks too.)

Re-read comments and I apologize for not being clearer about my thoughts on Sinatra's voice. British fan, you are right: by him sounding flat, I meant a lack of emotional connection in his singing. His singing is flawless but soul-ess, at least to my ears.

SLK said...

Ha! Funny. You say "yowza" and you haven't even seen this! (I know we're not above beefcake photos on this blog :) ). And he's 37 years old---not bad, eh?

Daydreaming David said...

Indeed. I had noticed his build already. ;-) this pic is nice confirmation. And he's just five years younger than me, so no need to feel cougar-ish. Bonus: if I fall for his looks, I won't need a time machine!

I've been checking out his songs for hours now. Have you read the comments on YT? Sound a lot like David fans raving about DC's voice.

British fan said...

That Jimmy Wayne is one awesome singer. I love his casual style and the whole look. He reminds me of someone though but I can't quite think who. Stupid question, but he's no relation to John Wayne is he?

Daydreaming David said...

No mention of that in the short bios I've read of him, British fan. His full name is Jimmy Wayne Barber.

SLK said...

More stuff---Jimmy Wayne at Daryl Hall's recording studio---I haven't had time to watch the whole thing yet, but listened to the first song and Sara Smile, and my goodness, they sound amazing.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for the link, SLK. I'll be sure to check it out later.

If you can pry yourself away from Jimmy for a spell - you really found us a gem there, SLK, thank you - I'd love your take on Elvis's voice vs David's on Blue Christmas (previous post).

singmedavid said...

OK, I'm a believer in Jimmy Wayne too. Wow! Thanks SLK!

I think he looks a little like Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap. That was my first thought when I saw him.

singmedavid said...

David does countryish songs very well! That would have been a good album.

SLK said...

He does look like Scott Bakula! That's funny. I'm quite smitten with this guy, I must say. Will be going out to buy his cd today. I haven't bought a country music cd in a very long time.

I think David Cassidy could have done a country-rock kind of thing, kind of like the Eagles. It would have suited him.

Daydreaming David said...

SLK, do you think David STILL has what it takes to do that kind of album? I SO wish he could get back in the recording studio and do something similar to his earlier stuff.

(Thanks again for sharing Jimmy Wayne with us. I'm quite smitten with him as well. His expressive voice wows me as much as David's.)

SLK said...

Vocally, yes, I think could do country songs. But there are two things that would work against him and (I think) make it nearly impossible for him to make it successful:

1. He doesn't seem to have the connections anymore that he would need, like a) a band (the one he has now doesn't play that kind of music and IMO doesn't have the talent for it), b) songs with "hit" potential, which you need a network of writers to help you with if you can't write them yourself, and c) a music company that's willing to promote him, which he's not likely to get because of:

2. His attitude. I've been reading up on this Jimmy Wayne guy and it's striking to see how hard he's working to become successful---he's constantly going to music industry conferences to perform for executives, interviewing with radio stations, signing cds and anything else the fans want, posting on his Twitter and Facebook pages, practicing his guitar (he took lessons when he got to Nashville because he realized he wasn't as good as all the most successful musicians there), writing songs, etc. He's *humble* and always talking about how grateful he is to have all the opportunities that have come to him. Plus he had a similar situation to DC a few years ago when a record company he was with folded and could no longer support him---he didn't give up, kept writing songs and promoting himself, and last year another company finally picked him up, put out another record, and he's on his way back again.

Now contrast that with DC, who doesn't like being around his fans most of the time, isn't willing to be on the road constantly, has a love/hate relationship with his own music, doesn't do sound-checks, doesn't write songs anymore and doesn't hang out with people who do (his wife doesn't count because she writes pop dreck) ain't gonna happen. He's too comfortable with his casino lounge lifestyle and his racehorses, and I honestly think he doesn't really care about his music very much because he puts so little effort into it.

Sigh. Sorry to be so pessimistic. I still love some of his old stuff and will continue to enjoy that. It's fun to imagine what kind of record he would sound good on, but at this point it's kind of like a fantasy-baseball kind of exercise.

SLK said...

Now, there is one other option---DC could record something himself, and then promote it on his own, at his concerts, on the internet, etc. He has enough money that he could do something like that. It would be an "underground" way to do it, and would be a long shot for gaining any widespread recognition, but it would be a way that he could have complete artistic freedom.

It's still highly unlikely, though. He doesn't seem to have any interest in doing something like that.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for your input, SLK. I think you're right about DC, as usual.

(If Jimmy Wayne continues to stay humble and work his *** off as he is doing now, he's got an amazing career ahead of him. I can see him having crossover appeal into more mainstream pop, the way Shania Twain did. I'm planning on buying his albums - country represents barely 10% of my music collection so his voice REALLY got to me! :))