Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Frosty the Snowman"

If this version of the song had been used in the movie instead of the original on which it was based, would "Frosty the Snowman" be the beloved children's classic it is?


singmedavid said...

I think it might depend on the age and sex of the children watching! LOL!! I think he sounds lovely here.

British fan said...

I have to admit to not being that familiar with Frosty the Snowman.

I do love this though. Lurve the slow tempo of it and David could sing me to sleep with this one anytime he wants!!

SLK said...

You never heard Frosty the Snowman? Really? Wow. I thought that was everywhere. Guess it didn't make it across the pond, huh?

This is a cool version because he sings all the verses. Normally we only hear the first two.

British fan said...

My oh my does he sing it well or what!I so love when he sings slow and low and the way he says mee-ah for me!! AND the way he says away and play. I love the way he draws out each word for effect. I can't wait to open the Christmas Card CD!!!