Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Sliver of Hope...Maybe Someday

Here's some behind the scene footage from the Partridge Family reunion on the Today show. The four really look at ease around each other. It reminds me of my 10 year (cough, cough) high school reunion not long ago. Hadn't seen these friends in a decade (cough, cough) but once the usual questions were asked and answered, we were all sixteen again. One still looked it. That was freaky. And here's one popular blog entry that views the cast reunion from the whole "everyone is getting older" perspective.

I've read that lots of people are talking about this reunion. True? If so, there's still a sliver of hope that it will trigger another wave of fans "re-discovering" The Partridge Family and subsequently, David Cassidy's solo work (as it happened for me and most regular readers here). It's really only a sliver of hope because so far, everything I've come across on the 'net is pretty superficial. Will people ever get past the cast's looks and ITILY to discover David Cassidy's actual talent? Maybe Someday ;-)

From the Partridge Family Notebook album.


UK Fan said...

so how many of the 'fans' outside were there for David, how many for Danny or other PF member, how many just to get on TV and how many to promote what looks like a beauty salon ? Gone are the days when fans used to turn up en mass just at the slightest whisper of a chance David might appear.
The mere fact that most of the blogs are about Susan and not David, emphasises the fact that a lot are enjoying the memories of their youth and want them to be complete and they don't want things to have changed. This also means they probably aren't interested in what David is doing now and they don't want him to move on to new areas either.

singmedavid said...

Thanks for the link UK Fan!

Great video/song today DD! One of my favorite songs! ;-)

I hope you're right, DD, about the sliver of hope. People who liked the PF songs, and even those that didn't or who don't know anything about David or PF, should really venture out to discover David Cassidy's solo work. Dreams for me was the first album that sounded very different from PF. I liked David's singing on the PF songs and a lot of the songs themselves, but OMG, they are nothing compared to Dreams and his RCA records. I am in awe listening to those CDs. What a crime they were not promoted more here in the States!!!!

Perhaps what you are saying UK Fan is correct though. What can be done? A note to the NY Times trying to get someone of influence to notice?

Daydreaming David said...

I think UK Fan's got it right. Acknowledging how others change means admitting you're changing too and a lot of people don't want to do that (as was expressed by all those comments in that first blog I linked to). Thanks for the link UK Fan. I had not seen the outside shots. I suspect that the Today show gets a crowd that size pretty much every day outside its studios regardless of who is a guest.

Daydreaming David said...

Here you go, UK and Brit fans, this radio show might interest you. Bubblegum and Cheese with DJ Alex.

British fan said...

The behind the scenes thing was good, I liked that and the blog you posted, especially the comments were amusing but these people are way off base and I find it very irritating. Dont think David looked too bad at all, maybe I'm just used to his face now. I guess it's a shock for viewers who haven't really seen anything of them in years. Actually it pisses me off that people are narrow minded enough to not want to see their 'idols' age. WELL TOUGH. I dont recall recoiling in horror at the sight of David as he is now when I started re-discovering him a year ago.

I can see what David has been fighting all these years. We all age unfortunately, so get over it. Do people think David has been trapped in suspended animation for the past 40 years and they cant take him as he is now. The man looks good for his age. Let them look in the mirror before casting a critical eye over the cast. GEEZ!!!

I'd love David to move on. I think maybe he has had some opportunities in the past but for whatever reason he chose his path and he's ended where he is today. Nothing to be ashamed of, I'd love to see one of his laid back concerts, but he really should be acting good character parts on tv, stage and film and most importantly singing for us in concert at every opportunity as he was born to sing, especially HIS OWN MATERIAL.

After reading those comments can you really blame him for his hissy fits at signings/concerts where people cant stop commenting or bringing up how he used to look. Pity he cant get hold of pics of his fans when they were younger and thrust them in their faces and say Hey, this is what you used to look like, what happened to you?

You sure cant win when you've been so prominently in the public eye.

Sorry not getting at any of you girls (only the general comments), just my take on it.

British fan said...

Perhaps David (and most other celebrities) would not feel the need to put themselves through invasive surgical procedures if they weren't under so much pressure to remain forever young. I never know if they do these things through vanity or fear.

singmedavid said...

I'm glad you pointed out the comments, DD. I missed those before. About Danny's observations about Suzanne being "disgruntled", as a very overweight person myself, I can imagine that perhaps she was feeling a bit self conscious being on TV, knowing that there were (by Danny, someone she was in the same room with) and inevitably would be fat jokes about her.

singmedavid said...

Great comments, British Fan!!!

"Actually it pisses me off that people are narrow minded enough to not want to see their 'idols' age. WELL TOUGH."

That's right! What's the alternative afterall? And this:

"Pity he cant get hold of pics of his fans when they were younger and thrust them in their faces and say Hey, this is what you used to look like, what happened to you?"

That would be very funny.

British fan said...

I still dont see that Suzanne Crough looks that bad. A lot of people in the US and Britain are around that size and she's not huge. She probably doesn't look half that size away from the cameras anyway. She was sat on a stool, it's hard for a woman to look slim all crumpled up and hunched onto a stool. Course it didn't help for her to have to be sat with three relatively skinny men either.

SLK said...

What fat jokes? All Danny's jokes were about the way she works as a manager at Office Max. He said she seemed disgruntled about that! I thought that was fair game---not that there's anything wrong with working at Office Max, but it's not something you necessarily want to fly across the country to talk about on national tv. It's definitely vulnerable to a comic's perspective.

singmedavid said...

SLK, Danny made fat jokes about Suzanne on his podcasts before and after the reunion! But about the "disgruntled" remark he made, you're right about the context it was made in. Thanks for pointing that out.

When I saw the fat joke in the comments of the "behind the scene footage" DD linked to, I thought I would add my own perspective. Sorry for the confusion.

Daydreaming David said...

Danny mentioned Suzanne's weight on more than one occasion on his show - before the Today show appearance and the morning after. He did say that he didn't hold it against her that she didn't look like a model (or something along those lines) but he definitely mentioned her weight to get a laugh. The camera DOES add pounds. And more than a couple, too. I know a few local TV "personalities" and those who are normal weight look overweight on camera and those who look fine are bird-like in real life. I recall one friend who was interviewed while six months pregnant. She looked extremely bloated on TV but she really wasn't. Anyway, all this to say that Suzanne is a pretty woman who didn't look humongous to me.

I think Danny's comment about her being disgruntled had to do with her "unenthusiastic" response to Al Roker's "what do you do now?". We discussed this a bit on the CGH forum and I realized that "disgruntled" wasn't the right adjective. It implies annoyance or anger and she didn't show any of that. Those who do know Suzanne Crough say that she was being herself here. Her quiet demeanor just contrasts with Danny and David's more extroverted attitudes, I think. I didn't think she smiled much but these clips show that she did.

And yeah, it must be hell to grow old in the public eye. We show no mercy. It's good for us to remember that even celebrities are human and every body is subject to gravity. Whether we like it or don't. Forget who said it, but it's better than the alternative.

Oh boy, am I a slow typist. Previewing my reply and I see that Singmedavid just summarized all this in two lines.

Nice to see you, SLK.

singmedavid said...

Oh, but you are so much more eloquent, DD, explaining things more thoroughly! Thanks!

Barbara - Just David said...

AL ROKER was the one who made the joke about her being at Office Max. HE was the one who made the toner joke. What the F did he have to say that? You could see she was uncomfortable about that. David doing concerts, Danny on radio show, Brian racing cars, and Al didn't make any jokes until Suzanne said she worked at Office Max and then AL said, "Can you get me some toner?" And Al did that ON THE TV where bigger audience was watching. WTF, Al??

Outside after the show, there were about 3-4 fans from what the fan who told me said. David could have stopped for them, he wasn't alone he was with the DB, BF and SC, so..

Barbara - Just David said...

Fans said at Davy Jones' concerts he makes a point to comment on how he is old and gravity not being kind to his 'man boobs'.
I can see David being aloof to those who comment on his aging - but in a place where fans make a point to go see him because they are fans regardless of his age, etc, - those fans are there because they WANT to see him - he should act kinder.

Barbara - Just David said...

Well as Danny said on his show yesterday, after The Today Show, there was a noticeable boost in visitors to his radio show's website, and that the execs of the station sent him notes of appreciation. So I am sure that there were those who searched and visited David's website as well. Those are the results WE won't see or notice so visibly. I did notice from comments on DC fansites and Danny's radio site and from emails he read (which he defended David on!) that David fans thought he was good and Danny not, while Danny's show fans thought Danny was good and David not. That human nature and not surprising. So the only "real" objective opinions can be found in general blog writers and the comment by gen. public beneath them. Anyone specifically a fan of either DC or DB their opinion will be slanted toward their fav, understandably. I like both David and Danny so I will praise and "punch" both as needed. ;-)

But when Danny put up the video footage on his website that his fiance took backstage in the greenroom, then you will see how Suzanne and Brian were more comfortable with DC and DB.

MaeB said...

And just when I thought that Danny wasn't that bad, after all. He seemed quite at ease sitting there with David despite all he said on his radio show. But jokes about people's weight? Not funny! Never!

I don't understand why the question about Suzanne looking good or not is brought up here. SHE wasn't famous for her good looks, she has never made money on her looks like David (we can't deny that it was important to us), so what has her looks to do with anything? She is not a public person, and there is no reason to discuss if she's fat or not. And I don't like the underlying message that someone who is fat and works for Office Max (never heard of) is not as good as someone slim working in showbiz.

I actually don't think there is ever a reason to discuss someone elses weight, famous or not. The obsession with weight and looks is really horrible.

Barbara - Just David said...

And yeah, it must be hell to grow old in the public eye. We show no mercy.

Just ask Kirsty Alley! The media treat her crappy now that she's gained the weight back. And see how Kevin Smith went after Southwest Airlines because of their saying he was too fat for their seats. Good for him!

Danny's fiance is full figured herself and he said she has a rack the size of - forget the State he said. So she is not as skinny as his first wife Gretchen was.

Barbara - Just David said...

MaeB - Office Max is an office supply store like Staples, they are Staples competitors.

Before that, Susan was the manager of a Book Store, Famous Footwear store, and also a Mary Kay cosmetics consultant. Totally respectable and normal jobs that any mother of two would do - nothing wrong with that. She bypassed (like Susan D) the limelight and TMZ to have a nice normal life with her family.

I think Danny was saying that the way it seemed, Suzanne said what she did as if not happy or proud of it, compared to what the others did. Danny was saying she shouldn't feel ashamed because then what happens is that others pick up and see it as her being self conscious of what she does.
She was on a series after The PF, though she nor Matt or Al mentioned it. "Mulligan's Stew AND it was AN NBC show!!! Today show people should have found that!!

Daydreaming David said...

Always appreciate your input, Barbara. I don't think Al purposely asked for toner as a joke - I think it was just a throwaway comment to bring some levity to the situation. Let's face it, Suzanne's answer had a more serious tone to it than David's, Danny's or Brian's. I think she could have anticipated the question and prepared a more enthusiastic reply. She could have used the opportunity to plug her store :) Think Jeopardy contestant ;-) "Well, Al, I'm mom to two gorgeous kids and I manage an OfficeMax, THE best office supply store in the country!!!!" :))) Ah, so easy for me to type, sitting here at my computer and not LIVE on national TV under those blinding hot studio lights :) We truly do live in a TMZ world, as DC said, when we spend time analyzing the tone and intent of a 10-second exchange.

While I'm not a fan per se of Danny's, I certainly don't wish him any harm. He's made me laugh on his radio show but some of his comments have also left a very bad taste in my mouth.

MaeB, Suzanne's appearance was brought up by Danny on his show and we're reacting to his comments here. I think we all agree that he shouldn't have brought it up.

Daydreaming David said...

MaeB, please tell me that you are NOT getting "the underlying message that someone who is fat and works for Office Max (never heard of) is not as good as someone slim working in showbiz." from THIS site or our comments.

MaeB said...

Thanks Barbara, for explaining to me what Danny actually said or meant. DD, there was on or two comments that made me feel that we were discussing her looks: is she fat or isn't she? That's why I reacted as I did, I found that totally irrelevant.

I agree that Suzanne didn't appear very enthusiastic herself. That Jeopardy-presentation of herself would have been perfect! But as you say, it's not that easy to sit there in TV and try to make an impression, without making it look like you ARE trying to make an impression in an effort to seem as successful as David and Danny...

I don't think she would have wanted that, again it would have seemed like she wasn't content with what she has achieved. Tricky situation! I mean, talk kind of proudly about your achievements without making it look like you're competing. Maybe she did the right thing after all, not letting herself be dragged into any kind of competition.

Barbara - Just David said...

BTW Here is what Susan Dey is doing now. I remember she attended a Rape Center fundraiser that Jennifer Anniston helped organize a few years ago. So I was glad to see this article about her not being on the reunion show - especially the last line. If this person was able to find the good work that Susan is involved with now, why couldn't the Today Show researchers. And sad that the others didn't hear about her helping these victims.

Barbara - Just David said...

Daydreaming David said...

MaeB, I didn't mean to imply that she should or want to appear as successful as the others (or more so). It's not a competition by any means. Her reply just didn't seem as "happy" as the others'. The Jeopardy contestant remark was really tongue-in-cheek referring to viewers' expectations of everyone appearing on this type of show to be "happy and bubbly and pleased as punch to be here...". So, when someone doesn't fall exactly in that model, viewers notice. We're not only living in the information (overload) age, we're living in the "15-minutes of sound bites fame" age. Make sense?

Barbara, thanks for the link. I had read a while back about Susan's work with the rape crisis board. I agree with you: the Today show really didn't seem to do its homework for this reunion. When they showed the PF clips, why couldn't they mention that the series was now on DVD? And then, Al Roker asking the fan outside about her album (that was the girl you know, right)? Perfect opportunity to mention the CDs!

UK Fan said...

I actually enjoyed listening to them without them promoting a new book, CD, DVD or show (it's a rare thing these days). The DVDs have been out quite some time now, as have the CDs. I thought they might have made a bigger deal of it being PF's 40th anniversary this year though. Hopefully they will do something more on April 12th for David's 60th but I wont hold my breath !!

UK Fan said...

Regarding Suzanne , it was nice to hear that at least one of them had a 'proper' day job and didn't end up as a screwed up child star in rehab ! She could laugh at herself and the tambourine, triangle and cow bell playing !

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank British Fan and others here for pointing out that most people don't age most of their lives in the public eye - and if roles were reversed.. how would they like to have pictures chronicling their aging being constantly scrutinized?
Personally, I marvel at the way David has held onto his youthful appearance, while still managing to look irresistibly adorable, no matter what, when or how he sings, communicates or performs.
New Fan

Anonymous said...

Also wanted to add here that I thought it was very generous of David to send embracing energies to Susan Dey, which was a way of including her in the reunion. It seemed just something a friend would do, no ulterior motives, no agenda, a simple act of kindness that is a place where friendship resides. I think if friends have issues, how lovely to let that go, even if it can't be resolved. The thought is kind and from the heart.
New Fan

MaeB said...

DD, I know you respect Suzanne and I have now checked which comment it was that annoyed me: it was one of British Fan's comments. BF, I know you didn't mean anything bad either. Maybe I overreacted because I have been overweight all my life and I'm so deadly tired of all the comments I have had to listen to through the years.

I think there might be a cultural clash here: from watching different TV-shows on YouTube I have the impression that Americans always appear much happier, laugh much more, are "on", like David says about his father, than they are in European shows. Even David seems actually different on UK TV than on American TV. I'm not saying that one is better than the other, I'm just noticing that there is a difference.

British fan said...

Dont worry about the comments MaeB. Suzanne Crough seemed fine to me on the show, to me she represents the 'average' citizen. Celebrities may (have to) be conscious of their weight and throw skinny images at us but the average UK woman (and I think US also) would be curvy and carrying a few pounds, very much like Suzanne. She looked fine to me and would only look bigger because of the cameras/studio lights. I'm not overweight but I can look chunky in photographs which also make you look bigger than you are.

She is in fact quite attractive and I thought she looked relatively young (I bet she's all natural and has had no 'procedures').

Daydreaming David said...

MaeB: I think your comment about the difference in American and European shows is correct. I too have noticed a difference between David on UK TV and American TV and this is from his earliest interviews in the 70s on - he actually seems like a different person to me. So much more subdued in UK interviews. "Americans always appear much happier, laugh much more, are "on"" - exactly that. North American viewers are surrounded by the cult of celebrity that really took off when Entertainment Tonight got on the air and now is fueled by TMZ and the like. We expect anyone on TV to be "on" as you say. It's flash, blitz, mania and drama. Not to mention all the perfect teeth and hair :)

Anonymous New Fan: you "MARVEL at the way David has held onto his youthful appearance"? Seriously?

British fan said...

Yes, I always liked David's UK interviews and tv shows that he appeared on. He seemed natural, certainly not 'subdued' but I know what you mean by comparing it to US style shows/interviews. He appears showy on US programmes but I never know if that's David being full of himself or the general style over there. Lots of American celebrities seem to be like that.

Daydreaming David said...

UK Fan, I know that endless promotion of merchandise gets annoying on shows like this and while it's true that the CDs and DVDs have been out for a while, judging by some of the recent comments on YT and on the web, seems like there are still a lot of people who don't know this. It wouldn't have hurt to mention it in passing.

We're definitely in a minority camp for being so very "au courant" with all things PF and DC. Judging by some of the comments in that first blog I linked to, plenty of people out there are still oblivious to the fact that DC had a career post-PF. For many of them, it was the first time they'd seen him in forty years. Well, that was pretty much my situation a year ago. I even missed his visit on the Oprah show a couple of years back and Oprah's pretty high profile.

Now, what made me and others here, follow up our initial "what is he doing now?" query with a full-fledged pursuit on all things DC is another story but I hope that others who caught the Today reunion will be similarly affected.

Daydreaming David said...

British fan, not to say that David isn't full of himself during interviews, but the general style for American TV is definitely showy. This was years ago but I imagine it still holds true today: friends and I had a chance to be in the audience of a very popular game show. The producers would pick out the contestants from the audience line up and we were told that to get chosen, we had to have that "special something" that came across on screen. It wasn't enough to be speak coherently and be dressed appropriately, we had to stand out from the crowd. The people who got to be contestants were the ones who'd jump up and down and scream their flippin' heads off. Very adult behavior for a very sophisticated show ;-) As a general rule, I'd say that normal and ordinary folk are too boring for American TV.

Anyway, I digress, but that is my take on it.

ContraryMary said...

I've been catching up today and it's been interesting to watch the PF reunion/behind the scenes stuff and read (almost) all the various blogs in one-sitting. As others have said here, it's surprising how many people who've commented on those blogs who had no idea what DC (let alone the other three) had been up to since the PF ended, which is a real pity given the high quality of alot of the work that DC's done during those years. Wrt ageing, for pity's sake - DC is almost 60 years old and, IMHO, is in bloody good nick! I was pleasantly surprised how at ease they looked together and it was good to see David enjoying himself, although I have to admit I couldn't even look at the screen once he got into the John Lennon/Eric Clapton stories ... All in all it was pretty good, although a shame that Shirley and/or Dave Madden couldn't be linked in. But, all's not right with DC (as I and many others on here have said already); the eyes are the windows to the soul and all that but I've never seen his look the way they do at the moment (if you get my drift) and he just doesn't look well. I'm sure it's not just an ageing thing either.

Daydreaming David said...

Just realized that I've obviously missed some segments of that reunion. Totally missed DC's mention of John Lennon and Eric Clapton. I've a feeling that hearing those stories again - why, David? why?! - would have taken a bit of the luster off my "he did good here" opinion. Crap. Oh well.

Mary, I thought he looked fine here as opposed to those recent concert clips.

Anonymous said...

I thought David looked really rested, relaxed and importantly healthy. It was a joy to see his buoyant energy. You know, we could watch that clip at different times and pick up a problem where there is none, also.
New Fan

British fan said...

Funny how we can all watch the clips and see different things. To be honest I'm just glad he's still here with us, when so many others who've had David's kind of roller coaster life fell by the wayside. I was merely relieved to see him smiling and laughing and in general good spirits.

ContraryMary said...

Agree it's good to see him getting into and enjoying moments like this and, compared to others who've experienced phenomenal success similar to DC's, he's faired very well but there's something about him at the moment that does concern me. In all respects, hope I've got it wrong.

Barbara - Just David said...

Totally missed DC's mention of John Lennon and Eric Clapton.

LOL This will put me in the "Bad Fan" corner (LOL), but I actually got up to go into the kitchen to get more coffee when he started that.

(I have a girlfriend who really was close with John & Yoko, and she could give DC a run with stories, but that is another story.)

Anonymous said...

Barbara - This is said with total respect for you and your right to have your say.. Here's the way I view it..Should people believe your girlfriend who claims to know something or a friend of someone's uncle's first cousin's twice removed.. whatever..They weren't there when the bond took place. It's his memories and they belong to him, so hands off that part of another person's being. It must be an important part of David's memories. Why is it so hard to fathom? John Lennon reached out and touched so many people.. other musicians and wasn't judgmental about human beings or their music, because he was about love and not judging. Why would it be so unlikely that they hung together, spent time,David and John were kindred spirits and I know many people in this country, ordinary folk who felt that connection and still do feel lucky knowing John Lennon was in our world. So David treasures those moments he shared with his friend. They are his moments; they inspire him and that's always a good thing. Why are people are being petty about this minute issue? It's sacred to David because it's a cherished memory that's enriched his life and if what I observed as a fan of John is true, he would be unhappy that this was an issue at all. John would probably hug David and then hug the rest of us having the conversation.
New Fan

British fan said...

Hello again New Fan, I dont think anyone here is having a go at David for mentioning JL. It has just become a bit of a running joke that he says the same thing, almost word for word in every concert and TV appearance. It is quite endearing in a way that he does this and by joking about it here we are just being light hearted about the observation. It's been mentioned here many times before and I think you'll find that Barbara is also a fan of John Lennon and the Beatles, who wouldn't be?

We know that David revered JL, held him in high esteem for his talent and principles and was proud to know him. That's why he keeps telling the story and it's great that JL is still remembered
and mentioned. David will probably get very emotional about this later this year as it will be the 30th anniversary of JL's death.

It is touching that David feels about John Lennon the way that we feel about David. I hope David has a good year and is in good health so that he can enjoy all the important milestones he will face this year; the 40th anniversary of Pf, his 60th birthday on 12 April and JL's death on 8 December.

Barbara - Just David said...

I told ya it would put in the 'Bad Fan" corner. :/

Barbara - Just David said...

In May Pang's (she was John's girlfriend & lived with him in L.A. in 73 & 74) book "Loving John" she writes about her and John having dinner with and meeting David the the first time at the Imperial in L.A. when their mutual friend Eliot Mintz introduced David and John and it's a different account. I asked her about it when she did a book signing for her latest book about 2 years ago.
I said I didn't want to hear the story again - just as Daydreaming David also said here - that doesn't mean anything.

Barbara - Just David said...

Danny tweeted a photo of everyone backstage at the Today Show on his Twitter page.

Daydreaming David said...

No one puts Barbara in the (Bad Fan) corner. Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-) (Reference to that "No ones puts Baby in the corner" line Johnny says in "Dirty Dancing", in case it's not crystal clear to everyone.)

singmedavid said...

I like that picture, Barbara. Thanks! David actually looks the tallest! I didn't know.

Bad Fan corner...I feel I'm probably going to join you there with some of my thoughts. I don't know what I can believe coming out of his mouth, and I don't like that. I get the feeling I don't really know what he is about, and although I can understand how he may have ended up this way, sometimes I really don't like what I'm perceiving. I guess if I can accept it ALL could be an act and try not to read too much into it, I could maybe just allow myself to enjoy his charms. And I don't have to necessarily LIKE his personality or all the things he does and says to retain a great respect for his talent and what he's accomplished especially given his challenges.

While feeling like this, I'm greatly relieved that it doesn't seem to have colored in the least bit my glorious enjoyment of listening to his music all day long and ogling his images on the net. ;-)))

Daydreaming David said...

Forgot to say: thanks for the link to the great pic, Barbara - everyone looks great.

Anonymous said...

I hope my comments didn't cause you to feel like a "bad fan". You are a loyal fan! I'm new to this blog and I appreciate this place where people are free to honestly express their opinions. Rock on!
New Fan

UK Fan said...

You inspired me to check out other photos of Danny and David because I hadn't realised that Danny is of a simlar height and Brian is even shorter. I thought maybe David was standing on a box in the photo you posted as we can't see his feet but it seems they all are shorter than average (except maybe Suzanne). It must have been something in all that paint on the PF Bus that stunted their growth

British fan said...

Lovely photo Barbara. Glad David has some stature! I know if I ever get near him I'll be looking up to him, he's not that short, depends on who he's standing next to, it's all about relativity.

UK Fan said...

Another photo in the green room !

British fan said...

Relatively speaking, David looks short here, the other guy must be way over six foot. Thanks UK fan. David's a brave man to stand next to him, go David!!

Barbara - Just David said...

Danny is short also. Look at him with other people from his website. Keep clicking photos and you see Danny next to others, and not that tall.

By the way, I put photos from Katie's current Cosmo magazine layout on her website. Click on the Photo Gallery at:

singmedavid said...

Mitt Romney is 6' 2"! So...yeah, he's pretty tall!

WOW, Barbara!! Are you the web master of Katie's site too? Nice sites, Katie's and Patrick's!!

Tracey said...

New Fan, I think you're romanticising John Lennon. He wasn't all about love and reaching out...he was a normal human being just like the rest of us, who could be petty, jealous and sometimes just plain nasty. This is pretty well documented. I think a lot of us are questioning why DC feels the need to state this link with JL practically every time....looking for some musical credibility? It's sad...he doesn't need to do this....

DC Fan said...

I wonder how many times DC actually met JL. I imagine a couple of times thats all. And if JL were alive today, maybe he would say to David.'Get a life, That was then this is now'.. LOL. sorry couldn't resist.

ContraryMary said...

I hadn't realised that Danny was on the short side. For some reason I thought the adult Danny was tall and muscular.
Barbara - thanks for including the link to the photo feature of Katie. It's clear to see that she has alot of modelling experience as it shines through in these photo's. She's certainly a woman of many talents, so clearly takes after her Dad!

Barbara - Just David said...

Paul McCartney who was as close to Paul as one could be wrote a song about their relationship and one line is: "And if I said I knew you well, what would your answer be. Well knowing you you'd probably say that we were worlds apart." Even Paul knew how John would respond to someone saying they were close. LOL

I think what is strange to me is that all during the 80's esp. right after John passed and throughout the 90's, David never mentioned his friendship with John like this in any interviews or any concerts. So to hear him making a point of saying it so much in concerts and interviews the past few years is odd to me. He doesn't even mention how Elvis' daughter was so keen to meet him that Elvis contacted the PF set to arrange it. I think he mentioned it once in his book & in promotion for the book in the 90's.