Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are you lonesome tonight?

I've often read that David hates to sing "Doesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted" because of its spoken part. Yet, he sings "Echo Valley 2-6809" in concert and it has a spoken part. My theory is that the spoken words in the first song hit just too close to home for Mr. Cassidy during the Partridge Family period. He's often mentioned how lonely he felt at the peak of his fame because he was so isolated from the real world.

'You know, I'm no different than anybody else
I start each day and end each night
It gets really lonely when you're by yourself
And where is love?
And who is love?
I gotta know'

-spoken part in "Doesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted", songwriters: Wes Farrell, Jim Cretecos and Mike Appel

Or maybe he just thinks they're crappy lyrics. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Curious. Thanks for posting.

- Daviditis

Anonymous said...

Why didn't I think of that? You're absolutely right! When you read the spoken lyrics of that song looks like they might be refering to David's life during the 70's.Maybe that explains why he did like that song or maybe it might be just something else.Who knows? Thanks for posting! ;-)