Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'll just stand, thanks.

Here's why I'll be standing while surfing and blogging from now on:

"Sitting all day may significantly boost the risk of lifestyle-related disease even if one adds a regular dose of moderate or vigorous exercise, scientists said Tuesday.

The health benefits of pulse-quickening physical activity are beyond dispute -- it helps ward off cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, among other problems.

But recent scientific findings also suggest that prolonged bouts of immobility while resting on one's rear end may be independently linked to these same conditions."

Rest of the info here.

And here's the obligatory pic of David to compensate for post's lack of blog relevance. Pic is relevant to post though ;-)


singmedavid said...

:-) Thanks DD.

Thanks for that interesting article, too. Yikes. I do get up and walk around a lot at work now, mostly because I'm so freaking bored. Unfortunately, the kind of cerebral work we like to do doesn't lend itself to standing up and frequent breaks.

British fan said...

I think it's a conspiracy to get us all off the internet. LOL! Well people watch tv a lot too.

I must confess I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer but I don't watch much tv anymore at all. I do move around, go to work, chores etc.
Perhaps we should attach a treadmill in from of our computers.

God I love that picture! That's 1974, David cut his hair off either before or during an Australian visit. I loved his hair like that actually, he should have kept it like that. All thick and nicely cut. Very sexy. Suits the shades better too!

British fan said...

that should be front not from. LOL!

singmedavid said...

Ditto, BF!