Friday, January 8, 2010

I Think I Mock You?

A couple of eagle-eyed readers - flexing more Google muscle than this blogger has, obviously - have spotted a David Cassidy CD entitled "I Think I Love You: Greatest Hits Live" to be released on February 9, 2010. The CD/DVD combo is available for pre-sale on a couple of sites, including Amazon, but information as to content and origin of recordings is scantier than Mariah Carey's latest attire.

Two things give me hope that David Cassidy is not driving this project:
1) the publisher is Cleopatra Records, an independent record label specializing in compilations and reissues of out-of-print releases
2) the lack of mention on DC's own website (means zilch, I know, but I take what I can get).

Otherwise, will I be alone in thinking he's really singing "I Think I Mock You" to his fans with yet another Greatest Hits?!?


British fan said...

You give me hope DD. I hadn't considered the fact that David may not be 'driving this project'. That makes me feel a little better about the whole thing.

singmedavid said...

That's a good point DD. I was wondering if there would be new live footage on it but based on what you have dug up about it, I can see that is looks to be a reissue of David Cassidy - Live in Concert (2004). That's a very tempting way to refer to this. LOL!

Daydreaming David said...

Singme, thanks for the additional info.

BTW, "I Think I Mock You" would be what DC would be saying to his fans by reissuing yet another Greatest Hits. (I've edited my initial post to make it clearer.)

singmedavid said...

Oh - sorry I got that confused, DD. I have to admit that I probably didn't read that as closely as I should have. It was probably fine the way it was. You would think that I would be more careful!

Daydreaming David said...

No worries, Singme. It's not your post that had me doubting my prose: it's simply my re-reading it ;-) It could have been taken two ways and I didn't want to give the impression that I was ready to mock DC. Poke fun, maybe. Ok, poke fun, yes. Mock, no.

SLK said...

As far as I'm concerned, David Cassidy should not put out any new recordings until he has some new, previously unrecorded material to offer. That assumes he has any pride left as an artist (which I wonder about lately).

Record companies, on the other hand, want to make money, so if they can sell a few hundred thousand copies of some re-mastered PF songs, especially if they don't have to go to the expense of bringing DC into a studio and paying all the other musicians and technicians, it makes sense that they would jump on the opportunity. I don't know what DC could do about it if some record company decided to do that and he didn't want them to do it---I don't think he owns the rights to any of those old recordings.

If he is behind this Greatest Hits collection, it would be sad, for sure, but honestly, that last dance-mix record was the worst piece of dreck he could possibly have handed to his audience. That was right up there with Leonard Nimoy's spoken poetry. I almost felt insulted as a music fan that he would perform something like that. I saw a review of that disco record somewhere that called it "one dead partridge". Kind of summed it up for me.

British fan said...

David hasn't tried the different language angle yet. He has fans in Europe and Spain. Would he sound sexy enough purring I think I love you in french?

Please forgive my attempts at translation. I've looked up a few words.

French: Je crois que je t'aime
or Je pense que je't'aime

German: Ich denke, Ich hebe dich

Spanish: pienso que la amo

He could try it in Semaphore (communication with flags and arm waving LOL!). I've seen Monty Python doing it. He'd need to bring out another DVD for that one though. He could do the whole back-catalog.

Just so you know, I still love the guy!!

British fan said...

I love that picture of him you have on the right DD. I could forgive him almost anything when I look at that.

Daydreaming David said...

British fan, I know what you mean. That's why I keep that pic up there.

As for translating those songs...what about Japanese? Is he still big in Japan? Oh, behave! ;-) (Can anyone say "big in Japan" without hearing this? ) French? Non. He was never that popular in France. He mentions this in his autobiography. German? Ja.

SLK, I found this slightly icky song Mr. Nimoy's apparently written on YT. I've heard worse voices than his! Haven't found an example of his poetry - it's okay though, I take your word that it's something to be missed. You haven't steered me wrong yet.

British fan said...

Oh pretty 80's bands! Brings back memories. I remember that song. Some good German bands around back then. Kraftwerk (from Dusseldorf) were good, I went to see them in concert.

David's gone a bit quiet lately. Hoping for some new material soon. Fingers crossed. He must have some lying around, with his own and his wife's songwriting talents!

British fan said...

You know, I question my own taste at times! Just listened to that Leonard Nimoy track, almost as bad as Shatner's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and other spoken classics. LOL! And I am a big Star Trek fan. I choose to forget their embarassing musical interludes.

LuckyB. said...

Yes British Fan,on that pic,and on many other he looks so gorgeous!! I understand what you mean!

Never thought about that different languages singing.
I think I love you...
Ich denke(glaube) ich liebe dich...

After during his military service in Germany Elvis Presley recorded "Wooden Heart" singing some lyrics of that song in German."Muß i denn zum Städtele hinaus" became very famous here,if I´m not totally wrong.Anybody knows?

So why not in German Mr.Cassidy!

YES,he MUST have some good new stuff to record.That would be so great!!! Wouldn´t we LOVE to hear some new songs? Think he could still catch us with his voice.

Isn´t he reading this blog maybe?;-))
C´mon Mr.Cassidy we are craving for your singing!!

Daydreaming David said...

Lucky B, DC guest starred in a German soap opera type of show in your country in the 90s. Did you see it at the time? He played a rock star and his wife Sue, guest starred as his wife or fan. I have the title somewhere around here...I could also check on Jane's Downunder site. Ah, here is the link to the Downunder site with some screen captures of the show (including a couple of David working out).

British fan, I'd be happy with the unreleased PF songs that are still in a vault somewhere. Apparently DC holds the key. As for his own compositions, I'd much rather hear ones co-written with his mates from the Dreams or any of the RCA albums before those written with his wife. I know a lot of fans appreciate his two albums from the nineties (Sue co-wrote practically everything on those) but I don't think it's his strongest work.

LuckyB. said...

Yes,DD,he guest starred that role in a German/Austrian soap opera show called"Ein Schloß am Wörthersee."

I remember that show very well.But not that episode with David, alas.
The show was popular in the 90s,the principal character was starred by a German singer and actor who was very succesful in the 60s and 70s.He had his last role in that show,he died sadly in 1991.His artist´s name was Roy Black...and yes,he was pretty at his time and I liked his voice as well.

British fan said...

First LuckyB my attempt at German was bad I think, sorry for that. Have never learnt any German!

Yes DD, if David could collaborate with Bruce Johnston or Gerry Beckley and whoever else, that would be great. I am hoping to get a copy of his 1990 album as people raved about it. It's quite good (I've listened to a few samples) but for me not a patch on the Dreams or RCA type recordings. I don't think they could be bettered. It's just that ANY new material would be preferable to another threatened Greatest Hits. Cant see it selling that well, even his most ardent fans would need to be crazy to buy the same thing again!

Is it really David putting the block on the unreleased PF tunes? (Glances at cute photo) Sigh!!He should let them get released and take his cut of the profits. I hope this does not mean he is demanding too much money. I can understand him wanting his share of what is owed to him from years past but maybe he should consider the fans also? I really loved the unreleased tunes you've been posting on the blog recently.

Daydreaming David said...

Bf, this what I've read. Asking too much money up front. This is not from official sources though, just hearsay on the net, so...who knows?

Daydreaming David said...

Lucky B, thanks for sharing about Roy Black. Had never heard of him. Of course, I had to check him out ;-)
's a clip of him in his young days. I have never seen such an adorable cleft chin! Dreamy eyes too. I can see how he was popular!

singmedavid said...

Yes, Lucky B, I copy DD's sentiments about Roy Black. Nice voice too. Thanks!

singmedavid said...

BF, I love your idea for ITILY in different languages, or just even trying music originating from different countries. That would be very interesting, I think.

I still love the idea of Brothers Cassidy forming their own pop/opera group (I'm not sure this is the right term - I'm thinking of the song they sang on Regis and Kelly from Blood Brothers). I understand that they all sing. If they could come together for Ruby, why can't they come together to something like that?

I also think it would be great fun to watch a talk show with all four of them. BF, was that your idea from a couple months ago?

There’s so much that could be done, it seems.

British fan said...

I would love to se David work on a project with his brothers again like you singme. Whether it was for a variety type show, a drama/stage play or just to sing together, any of those would be good. Patrick would not have hit my radar without Ruby and he's an accomplished actor and a bit of a dish too. He has aged really well I think and I love his gray hair, really suits him! There is definitely a good chemistry between all of them.

British fan said...

Ditto the sentiments on Roy Black. What a face! And very dark hair too!

LuckyB. said...

Yes,of course there is so much he could do.

....getting in the studio,recording some new things.

....getting his web site(a new one would be better) updated with some personally things.
I checked it out at christmas time.Some christmas greetings to his fans would have been great,or?

That would have been like a honour to his fans.Just letting them know,he cares about them.Isn´t that right?

It seems like he had a lot of"work" with his fans in his early years that he has lost the delight in them now in these days,except doing his concerts.
I will believe it´s not just because of the money he is doing his concerts?!

I understand his longing for a secluded life,but some new stuff from time to time would be great.

singmedavid said...

Yes, BF, and they are all so adorable, especially together. I'd like to see more of Ryan. In the few pictures I've seen, I think he looks the most like David. Their smiles seem the most similar to me.

LuckyB, I hope you're right about the concerts! He can certainly still charm like no one else can and it looks like he really enjoys doing it, the little devil! ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is part of a post by a fan named Jim regarding unreleased PF recording. Seems David is a bit of a hard ass to deal with.

Also the demands he makes on companies wanting to release material is just ridiculous. Collectors Choice has been trying for almost a year to get the un-released PF songs but David wants too much money and in the end he has basically said NO. He does not want them out. How on earth are fans supposed to feel about this?? Fans will always want the old stuff compared to the new stuff. This is a fact and the saying No all the time isn't going to make you anymore popular or win fans over. Fans are just not going to put up with this crap."

I also googled Patrick and he has his own website:

Make sure you put net. If you put 'com' you get the movie composer with the same name but totally different person.

Mid-West Fan

Anonymous said...

Some fans who went to Ruby tapings in L.A. posted on comeongethappy that the atmosphere was not always 'fun' between the brothers working with David.
Patricks site said he recently performed at the Kennedy Center!

Mid-West Fan

British fan said...

DC should take the best offer and let us have the unreleased material.We're just as likely to buy his new material as the old. Probably even more so as we'd be so grateful to have those old tunes. Don't understand why he would dig his heels in when some of the other PF tunes have been done to death by him. Once those tunes are released he could do his own updated versions if he wants like he has with the other songs, then he'd get more royalties. Don't think he's thinking too clearly here. Someone should point this out to him!

Daydreaming David said...

I don't really understand DC's involvement with the unreleased PF songs. Who owns the rights to those songs?

British fan said...

Not sure who owns the rights, but perhaps David negotiated a share in them when he had his contract renewed back in the day. If he doesn't own any rights to the material then perhaps it is not David who is blocking the release.

Anonymous said...

I just get the feeling that being in show business is not very fulfilling to David Cassidy. He seems to delicate a lot of communications with his fans to other people.
IT seems like David does lean a lot on Shirley and her kids for support.
It did kind of pain me when I saw David in the interviews for Ruby how he kind of talked over them.
I guess we have to ask is that if David is involved in a new project is who would want to work with him?

singmedavid said...

David does seem to sometimes take on the role of patriarch when in interviews with his brothers. I hadn’t read those comments on CGH by those who saw Ruby tapings. I’ll have to check that out. I get that feeling too, Anon, that David doesn’t find a lot of fulfillment and is even very irritated by some of the interactions he has with fans.

Why do you say, Anon, that he seems to rely on Shirley and her kids for support? You mean with his mom?

Daydreaming David said...

Anonymous 12:46, how are Shirley and her sons supporting DC in his recording career? This post primarily concerns DC's singing career.

Anonymous said...

David did work on singing material with his brothers in the Ruby series. Shaun with the writing and Patrick with the singing.
I think this was a way of him finding a way to find younger fans.
WHo else would want to work with him to find that audience?
Elton John found that way in Broadway musicals like the LION KING and Billy Elliot.

Daydreaming David said...

I highly doubt that "Ruby & the Rockits" was conceived as a way for DC to find younger fans. It might have come as a bonus but it was not the primary reason. The Rockits songs were parodies. Doubtful the team (did Shaun write any of them?) had serious expectations of releasing that material.

Anonymous said...

I was following Shaun's fansite on Facebook and they were trying to cross-sell the material on I-tunes and there were youtube videos available.

I heard Shuan was involved with Writing the songs.

Daydreaming David said...

Anon 5:36, that video you linked to was prepared by a fan, not the show producers - it's the video clip from the show she posted. Most of the videos (if not all) released by the network were of the songs sung by Alexa Vega. The songs available on iTunes are the ones sung by Alexa Vega as well. I know that Shaun Cassidy wrote the theme song as well as most of the episodes.

There's no denying that the show was a family effort and there's no shame in that for any of the parties involved. That being said, I doubt "Ruby" was initiated as a vehicle to further David's recording career and for that reason, it's not very relevant to the discussion here.

Anonymous said...

I think Ruby was a way to for David to expand a deteriorating fan base. In order for people to take a risk on you with new material, you have to show you can expand your audience.

That Video is on the ABCFAMILY website site.

I sorry you don't think it was relevant.
What other vehicle would you suggest so that David could reach out to expand his audience?

Daydreaming David said...

Ah! Now, I see the point you're trying to make, Anon. You don't think DC can get a record deal without proving a big fan base and TV show audiences are easy to measure. There might be truth to your premise though there is no guarantee that Ruby's audience would translate into record sales for David.

At this point in his career, I think DC should worry more about preserving his existing fans than expanding his fan base. Your question has merit though - perhaps there is some vehicle out there that could help DC gain new fans. To my mind, it's a matter of reminding his initial fans that he's still out there - after all, his fandom was among the biggest in history at that time.

Anonymous said...

CAT is that you again? Oh, no!

singmedavid said...

Looks like you're outed, cat. LOL!