There is just no way that I can get into this song. And this performance with the ghost of Romance past floating in the background is so embarrassing that I have to look away. The Romance album is dance/pop dreck of the highest order and I shall continue to skip over it as I appreciate David Cassidy's discography.
Monday, January 18, 2010
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You just don't like DC in his blonde period, do you, DD? lol! It is an incredibly awful performance, no doubt! I don't mind the melody part of it so much, but the lyrics are pretty stupid. He sang a lot of dumb songs, actually. You have to credit the 80's more, though, I think. That whole decade was filled with horrible music like this!
I'm laughing about your description, DD. I fear that I risk embarrassing myself here, but I didn’t really like this song that much, UNTIL I SAW THIS VIDEO!!!!!! LOL!!! For some reason watching him sing something live or even lip synching gives me a whole new appreciation for the songs he sings. (I can almost hear the moans and see the eyes rolling – LOL!). I don’t care for the ghost but I think he looks great and I love the expression on his face.
No, I just can't relate to blond David. He bears no resemblance to the guy who charmed me in the seventies.
I think you're right about the song: the melody is catchy. It's hearing DC sing those lyrics that makes me squirm. They're cheesy. Maybe it's me. I have an aversion to these types of "lovemaking step by step" songs.
I was a teenager in the eighties and I managed to sidestep this type of crap. I listened to The Police, Dire Straits, INXS, Tears for Fears, Bryan Adams, New Wave....You know, other kinds of crap :-)
I understand. I averted them too back then - even his songs, and I probably still would if it wasn't rediscovering David and his voice.
I've never been a fan of this album either. I bought it on cassette at the timejust for David's sake. Not my cup of tea then or now. My musical tastes are similar to yours DD. At the time David said this was the best album he'd ever done (he's a bit like a broken record with that remark isn't he?). All I can say is his taste is a bit suspect!
On a superficial note, don't mind seeing him lounging on that chair with his leg slung over!
I was a DJ at a college radio station in the 80s, so I remember all those great old acts like the Police, U2, Talking Heads, the English Beat, Kate Bush, etc. But that was when I found Irish/Scottish music, bluegrass, and other kinds of niche music. Basically anything that wasn't mass-marketed. I did play the Partridge Family on the radio sometimes, though! I caught a lot of flack for that. :)
Poor you for getting flack. Why do people deride the PF music so? Are you a Kate Bush fan SLK? I love her. Her music was so innovative. She only ever did one tour.
People said I looked the spitting image of her when I was young. (She's 3 years older than me).
That is cool that you were DJ at a college station, SLK! I'm curious how you introduced the PF songs. LOL! What area of the country was that in?
Wow, BF, you looked like Kate Bush??? Lucky girl!!!! I don't recall her music but just listened to This Womans Work and she has a wonderful voice.
I'm not keen on the 'Romance' era and don't think it was his finest hour. Must admit that back when this was released I was going through a very rough time personally, so the whole period doesn't hold good memories for me, although David Cassidy being on the scene did brighten those dark days (would have been even brighter had he not had blond hair and been wearing '80's gear!)
I can remember some unkind and vitriolic journalist saying David resembled a butch lesbian during this period. Damn cheek! I didn't care for the blond phase either. Much prefer him with dark hair, just think of David from 1991. Wow!!!
Butch lesbian?! I'm no fan of blond David, but I disagree vehemently with that comparison. He looked as pretty as the Duran Duran boys but godawful when you compare him to how he looked in any other decade. Blond hair just washes him out - eye makeup and a tanned face compensate poorly.
He does not look like a butch lesbian! He looks like a very attractive lesbian!
Just kidding...but the blonde hair does really make him look more feminine...and DD, you nailed it, the eye makeup makes it much worse!
British Fan, yes, I have always loved Kate Bush. People have said I look like her too, but I think it's the haircut that does it. Long brown shag, fair skin, etc.
SingMeDavid, I worked at a radio station in Newark, Delaware. They had all types of shows, and I did almost all of them at some point, but the morning shows were where I could play the non-cutting-edge material like the PF. I didn't even introduce them; I just sneaked them in between the Monkees and maybe some old R&B, Sam & Dave, or something like that. Any other DJs who were listening would always give me a hard time about it, though, because it wasn't cool. Then I'd play the Archies just to tweak them! It was fun sometimes to go back a few decades and play old Elvis, early Beatles, really early Rod Stewart (Rod Stewart was totally taboo because he was in his Do Ya Think I'm Sexy phase at that point!)...I enjoyed going back to early influences like that. Of course, that would lead to a few sets of blues songs, and so on. It was fun. I miss it!
SLK, your playlist has me salivating! I wish there was that type of radio station now in my city! Did listeners call in asking about the PF? I think people would be more receptive to the PF now - the group was very uncool in the eighties because we, its initial audience,had moved on. Now, we're ready to go back because the current musical landscape can be so bleak!
The Archies' Sugar, Sugar is one of the best bubblegum pop songs ever!! (I recently read "Bubblegum is the Naked Truth" and let's just say that my appreciation for the genre has been reinvigorated.)
DD, I don't remember any calls about the PF, but if there were, they were probably complaints! But I didn't care, I was a nerd and proud of it. I also knew about the "cooler" acts before a lot of the others did---I was the first to discover Madonna, for instance (although it didn't take long until she defected to MTV and became uncool), and the Beastie Boys---they did this HILARIOUS riff on a late-night Carvel ice cream cartoon called Cookie Puss, where they crank-call a Carvel store and talk dirty to the store attendant about Cookie Puss---I can't believe I just found this on YouTube; it's the first time I've heard it in 25 years!
Anyway, you can listen to a lot of great radio stations online now. This is WVUD, the station where I used to work; they haven't changed much, which is a good thing. You would probably like the Red, Hot, & Blues show on Friday, and Hip City Part II on Saturday---they still have the same guys doing them who were there 25 years ago! Also excellent is WXPN in Philadelphia---I haven't listened to them as much, but I always do any time I'm in that area. Philly is so great for music. Better than New York, I think, because New York is so centered on urban music like rap and techno and all the rock n roll offshoots. Philly still has R & B, and bluegrass, etc. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I've always perceived it.
What are the music scenes like where all of you are from?
LOL, SLK! I'm still not sure what those "crumbs" are supposed to be. Can someone, uh, explain that to me in terms that can be used on this blog? LOL!!!
Thanks for those great links.
I'm pretty out of touch with the music scene in general as I'm sure you have already figured out. But here is a description of the music scene in South Florida. This doesn't mention that Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers was formed by Gainesville musicians or that Lynyrd Skynyrd formed in Jacksonville.
There are probably some good R & B stations and bluegrass too more in the central to northern parts of the state. Florida is quite diverse!
As far as looking like Kate Bush goes, I had the shaggy dark hair look and was tiny, I have a bigger nose than Kate. LOL! I probably resemble George Bush more nowadays.
I don't keep up with modern music much,I was turned off by (c)Rap music and all that poncing around in heavy jackets, hoods and white trainers. Yuk!!
And don't forget those stupid hand gestures!!
My kids love a Florida based rock/punk band called Less Than Jake. They,re quite big over here on the college/university circuit. Both my kids have seen the band a few times and I quite like their music. As least they're talented and play their instruments well!
Thanks for that info about Less Than Jake, BF! Their sound reminds me of a band I like called Green Day. I never thought about the genre of their music before but I just looked it up and they are considered by some to be a punk rock band.
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