Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Think I Love Lipton!?

How lame is it that I'm giddy to hear "I Think I Love You" in that new Lipton Sparkling Green Tea television commercial? Listening to those "ba, ba, ba, ba, baba, bababa..." background vocals come on and then David singing "ITILY", I was amazed at how fresh the song sounded. Will a new generation get hooked on that classic chorus and go on to discover the innocent fun of The Partridge Family and the hotness of David Cassidy?

In any case, the song is fresher and better for you than this new sparkling drink could ever hope to be. The health nut in me compels me to tell you that Lipton Sparkling Green Tea is far from "the perfect drink for your healthy lifestyle". With high fructose corn syrup as its second ingredient, the drink is bad enough but they've also added artificial sugar and colours to the mix. Are there enough antioxidants in each bottle to counter that crap? Shame on Lipton for marketing this stuff as a healthy alternative to a soft drink.

Uh, and shame on me for hoping that people will buy it regardless? I just want PF's timeless anthem on the air long enough to seep into the public's consciousness once again. Buy the drink people, just don't drink it. ;)

Thank you Tony Romeo for this pop masterpiece and rest in peace.

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