Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Groovy's back

Spotted this purple paisley shirt in H&M's window the other day. Reaction? "Totally groovy shirt! Keith Partridge would have looked amazing in this."

Just finished watching all four seasons of the Partridge Family and it's amazing how little the fashion offends. Three quarters of the cast's wardrobe could be worn today. They say that the seventies is the decade that taste forgot but really, that moniker should be reserved for the eighties, don't you think? A fashion car wreck, with exaggerated silhouettes, exploding technicolour and neon palettes and fabrics that looked like something the cat regurgitated, the eighties were far from flattering, clothing wise. Sure polyester abounded in the seventies but so did jeans, suede jackets, leather boots and snug pants that highlighted certain men's assets ;) (Mind you, can you imagine men wearing those form-fitting pants today?! Every year, women's fashion gets more and more revealing but men's clothing remains pretty demure. Sure, you see young men's underwear peeking out from waistbands all over the place these days but the pants are much too baggy to even hint at any shape underneath.)

All this to say that Keith Partridge looked mighty fine in those tight pants. And it would be considered indecent today to post a picture of his front view. ;)

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