Seeing his name on that show's roster surprised me. Part of me had trouble believing he'd do this type of event, especially since "Ruby" was not renewed. I was doubly surprised to see the PF pics one could order by mail for an autograph.
Here are my theories about his requests though: I've read that he's had a few eye operations to repair optic nerves in one eye. Flashes might blind him which would explain why he often refuses photographs. Limiting the number of autographs might be linked to the painful skin condition he's written about having on his hands. Still, these "reasons" don't excuse the divo behavior. They just warrant a matter-of-fact explanation to very understanding, forgiving fans.
What happened, David? Did you forget that if it weren't for your loyal fans, you'd be pumping gas somewhere? Do you still resent how much fans cherish The Partridge Family? Why do you insist on proving you aren't worthy of all the adulation?
If you want your fans from THEN to be fans NOW, how about endearing yourself to them instead of treating them with contempt? Throw in a free "Then and Now" poster/bookmark/mouse pad or other promo trinket with the autographed picture for which they paid so dearly. You really want to make them love you NOW? Include a CD single of "Ain't No Sunshine" from that release.
David's website features this recent pic of himself performing in Bensalem. Lots of shots of his fans too. He should take another look at those; he seems to have forgotten them.

Great post. What happened is disturbing. You have some interesting theories. Whatever his problem was though, it sounds like this happens from time to time and his fans just keep on letting it happen. Those fans who have been scorned I think need to write him and tell him how disappointed they are and request an apology and retribution. If they don't it seems like they are enabling this behavior which isn't helping David either. It also does seem like he could be a lot more generous than he is, like you were suggesting. I guess I'll be doing my own examination of whether it's worth it for me to see him in concert knowing how contemptuously he can behave and how stingy he can be.
My two cents. :=)
singmedavid a way that doesn't surprised me at all! It isn't the first time that I read bad reviews about David Cassidy,but the one I stumbled upon this afternoon on the"C'Mon get happy Site"is the saddest review I have ever read so far.And probably the most hurtful too.I'm totally appalled about what I just read.There must have been a reason why David behaved that way.You just can't go out and throw a tantrum at people like that without any reasons.It doesn't make sense!
I have been a long time fan of David Cassidy.I was fourteen going on fifteen when I discovered him on The Partridge Family back in 1974.Just like thousands of fans I fell in love with him the moment he appeared on my tv-screen.The memories I kept of David and that television show are to this day the dearest and the most precious memories I have ever known.When I think about David,I can't help but think to the good old days.When you're only 15 years old and that you fall in love with the most desirable guy on the planet,well it's something that stays with you forever.The impact that David had on my life back then is still very much alive today.How can you explain that this thirty-five years old love-story remained intact after all these years? I guess it's true what they say: "A first love never dies"
But today I'm not sure of what I feel for David anymore.Can he deliberately hurt his fans with his bad behavior? The way he behaved at this autograph signing event is unforgivable and down right nasty.What happened? I sure would like to know.But even so,he didn't have the right to act this way in public.It is so unprofessional of him.Maybe he just had a bad day or something,but even so.If he didn't want to appear to this event he should have postponed it instead of throwing a tantrum like he did in front of his fans and those event organizers.What happened to the sweet and kind David I used to know? Could it be that I always was wrong about him? Sincerely,I don't even want to think about it.Truly,I'm not prepared to be deceived by him.I'm not ready to put an end to it especially when I just rediscovered him 3 years ago.I just hope that David will realize that what he did was wrong and that he will apologize for his bad behavior or maybe am I just dreaming again? Please David,don't kill this beautiful teen dream,let there be a good reason why you did this.I want my good old David back.
A very much hurt fan.
Signed "You know who I am" ;-)
Well, I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, it seems like there are certain patterns of behavior for stars at these events and Cassidy should have been more gracious about everything. It doesn't make sense that he left 50 minutes into a 3 hour event, either. It definitely seems that he was demanding his own special treatment, and that's going to hurt his reputation, for sure.
On the other hand, I understand a lot of the demands he made. He doesn't like to sign memorabilia because he's had unscrupulous people ask him for unpersonalized autographs and then sell them on eBay, and he resents them making money from his name. I wouldn't like that either. And then there's the whole history of the millions those memorabilia companies made from him 30 years ago in the first place---every time he sees a lunchbox, it must be a reminder to him of all the residuals he never collected. As for the no handshakes, if he was sick, that makes sense too. And I can also not wanting to be in pictures if I'm sick and not looking my best.
My guess is that he didn't realize how unpleasant the experience would be for him (it did say that this was the first time he had done one of these things) and by the time he was there, it was too late to back out of it. He's known for being a moody person, so he must have been in a particularly bad mood that day as well. Big mistake for him. I'll bet he will never do one of those things again.
In addition, I bet he has a hard time relating to the people who go to those shows. Fly in from Australia and wait 2 hours in line for a David Cassidy autograph? Who does that? There is no way you could *pay* me to be a crazy fan and stand in line to fawn all over some celebrity and ask for their autograph. There is something completely bizarre about our celebrity-obsessed culture. I mean, buying someone's records or watching a tv show or attending a concert is one thing---that's entertainment, you get something of value for your time and money. But paying someone $30 to sign his name on a picture? I always thought the thrill of an autograph was the spontaneous quality of it---you happen to run into the person on the street somewhere, strike up a conversation, and ask them to sign something if it seems like they're amenable to it. I know someone who met Tony Bennett in a park one day and asked him to sign her book and he drew a little picture of the Golden Gate Bridge next to his name. That was pretty cool. But she didn't pay him for it, and there weren't 400 other people standing behind her waiting for the same thing. That would have been weird. I kind of think DC thinks it's weird, too, but he's stuck in that world whether he likes it or not. He's probably financially dependent on it, as well, which makes it even more awkward for him.
I think David had the opportunity to take a % of the merchandising when he got to renegotiate his contract when he turned 21. David was making the bulk of his money on doing live concerts at the time and left this on the table. David has always been bitter about this. It is his own fault even though to this day he blames other people.
I know that many people were also turned off when David put out another autobiography. This was similar to the first one and there was no reason for it except to make axtra money from his fan base.
Now I also attended the Bensalem show and I went to see him a few years ago as well. I enjoy a good Partridge family song. I have separated DC from Keith Patridge though.
David over the years has told many lies about Katie, His mother Evelyn and his father Jack Cassidy.
Why his fans believe these stories are beyond my comprehension.
You will always have Keith Partridge.
David Cassidy only interest in doing his shows and anything related to his lifestyle is financial.
I really don't need to believe he cares.
I don't believe every word coming out of his mouth.
my my, aren't we in a nasty mood today! That's not nice to accuse someone you don't even know of telling lies, and you obviously don't know whatever happened because you weren't there yourself.
As for the merchandise residuals, Cassidy explained in his biographies that he did re-negotiate his contracts to include them, but that his managers made the mistake of asking for a percentage of the gross amount, not the net amount, so the record companies and magazines were able to claim expenses to push down the net amounts to absurdly low levels, which meant that they made hundreds of millions of dollars and Cassidy received about $15,000. I see no reason to disbelieve that explanation. Music companies still try to rip off artists today. It's standard corporate operating behavior---they're in it for the money and they will squeeze their profits in any way legally possible (and sometimes illegally as well, but that's another subject).
Well I get my information from good sources that David tell lies about things.
I have seen the comments made by Katie's mom and her friends.
I got the e-mail from David about voting for that E-online poll for Ruby and the Rockets.
The show was doing poorly in the rating before that show was cancelled.
He told his fans that the show was breaking all sort of records.
Did he really believe that that poll was going to save the show?
Stop Lying!
Thanks for the comments, everyone. Very Hurt Fan, you probably expressed the thoughts of a lot of fans who hold DC dear in their hearts as their first love.
SLK, I believe it's the other way around for the merchandising residuals: he got a percentage of the NET profits instead of the gross, enabling the merchandisers and teen idol peddlers to claim low NET profits because of high expenses. An old dirty, dirty trick. You're right: it's still being used today to take advantage of young inexperienced artists. Show business is rife with such stories. If today's celebrities are more savvy about money management, it's because of stories like Cassidy's.
I'm with you too, SLK, on the weirdness of this type of event. It doesn't matter how good an artist is, how can it possibly warrant an overseas flight to obtain an autographed picture and the scant probability of small talk?
If Cassidy still feels such resentment at seeing PF memorabilia, he really hasn't come to peace with his past as he's claimed.
CAO, I don't think this incident has anything to do with his family. Whether or not he lies about them is beside the point.
My point about David and his family and his lies has to do with trying to resell his bio.
OK, he is bitter about royalties.
He is still dependent on his fanbase for a living.
I know that in order to sell a book, you are encouraged to make up half truths and lies to make it more interesting.
I have heard comments from certain friends and family calling him out on these.
I also know that the people who bought the book again and found it to be the same old crap felt robbed. Go read some of the reviews of the paperback book on Amazon.
Its the same thing with his attitude at the autograph show.
Most people in this life are just happy having a earnable wage.
David is not to be felt sorry for.
Despite his behavior, people will support him.
I guess I am a Danny B. person.
He went through Bankruptcy and such, but he will never disown the Partridge Family.
I am laughing at the comment -"Well I get my information from good sources that David tell lies about things.
I have seen the comments made by Katie's mom and her friends." LOL
oh yeah, I mixed up net and gross, but at least you understood what I meant. Thanks for correcting that!
That other site you linked to has some other people telling what they saw happen with their own eyes---apparently Cassidy threw a real hissy fit in front of a whole bunch of people. How embarrassing for him.
The only thing I can think of that would explain it (besides bad manners) is that they say he was pretty sick, maybe even the flu. I had swine flu myself two weeks ago, and I ended up going on quite a rant with an operator at my insurance company who couldn't find a doctor for me. I didn't curse at him, but I did go on a bit of a tirade---I felt lousy and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed at the time, and I definitely wasn't on my best behavior.
I know that celebrities have to hold themselves to a higher standard that we normal folk do, and it doesn't excuse DC's tantrum, but I can at least understand it a little.
I agree. IF someone is sick, they should stay home.
These fans have been supporting him for years.
I have always suspected that David blames his fans for the fact that he could never get beyond Keith Partridge.
For the person who thought it was funny that Katie's Mom and her friends were not reliable sources, did you know that Katie's mom Sherry was the one who was taking care of David's mom?
David is her only child and he lived in Florida for the last few years while she was in CA.
David did not get involved in Katie's life til she was 12 years old. David goes around telling people that Sherry kept her from him and so on.
Glad you find that funny.
CAO, do you know Sherry personally? Is she really caring for David's mother?
As for David blaming his fans for not getting beyond KP, you might be right about that. I read an account on the C'mon Get Happy site from a fan who worked on the "Spirit of 76" movie set that he cursed the whole teen idol business and blamed his fans for being pigeonholed.
I think the industry is more to blame for pigeonholing him than his fans are.
Hi! Here's a British fan's perspective. Along with others I loved David during my young impressionable years and rediscovered his talent recently. I've been reading everything I can find on the net about him. I love your blog by the way! I have yet to see him in the flesh but he was and is a truly remarkable singer and I feel he has definitely been pigeonholed and grossly underrated as both an actor/performer. I think this is more the industry's fault than the fans though.
Even though he means an awful lot to me I would not cross oceans to stand in line or pay for the privilege of a signed photo. I would feel a prat. I can understand how the over enthusiasm of some fans may have damaged him psychologically over the years. He probably has a love/hate attitude to it all. Apparantly he had a new photo done for this event so perhaps he was hurt that it was ignored in favour of his younger self. I guess his idea of the event was different to that of the fans. I do think it is a little unreasonable for people to come armed with lots of stuff to sign. How could he possibly get around to signing them all? Whatever his reasons, the rant was ill-advised and I also feel he should perhaps have declined or looked more into what is actually expected at these events. Given his history of feeling panicky in crowds I was surprised when I read he would do it like some other folks have.
He should feel proud that he has been able to form such strong bonds with fans over a generation and embrace it. Other performers would give anything to have had the impact he has had on so many. Why can't David see that and enjoy life more?
He should be a lot happier and contented than he appears to be. Let go of the regret and bitterness David. You have a wonderful life and are more fortunate and more loved than most.
That thread from the Get Happy site got pretty interesting overnight...Danny Bonaduce wrote in to apologize on Cassidy's behalf, and he said he would go to the Hollywood show himself to sign anything and everything (nude pictures, your forehead, etc.---ha!). And then a record producer who knows Cassidy wrote in as well. And then the producers of the show responded. Very interesting! Bonaduce also said he's been talking about it on his radio show this morning. The way the emails are flying, you have to wonder if Cassidy himself will wade in and muster up an apology. I hope he does, for his sake. His reputation will suffer greatly if he doesn't.
Yeah, I've been keeping up with the thread over there. Interesting contributions. I'm pretty impressed with Ms Moose's posts - very classy attitude from a PR company's President. Bruce Kimmel strikes me as a gentleman who understands the business and is grateful for his fans. I enjoyed his many guest starring roles on the PF. Danny Bonaduce's initial post cracked me up too. Question for anybody who listened to his show: did he play any PF or DC songs?
Lots of fans and co-workers are expressing concern over David's behavior this past weekend. We care.
Nice to see Danny stepping up.
I hope to go out drinking with him some day.
Now about David's mom.
This was a campaign of sort by Sherry's friends a few years ago about how David could be abusive and neglectful towards people.
Here is the link if you wish to read it.
I chose to believe this because to sound consistent with other things I hear about David.
David has Katie's mom were friends for years.
David soon left her for his current wife after Katie was born.
Katie's middle name is Evelyn( after David's mom).
Katie has spoken in the past regarding how close she was to Evelyn.
It is a fact that David has not lived even closed to his elderly mother.
My point is that I could still enjoy a Partridge Family song.
I know David has a dark side.
Daydreaming David, which roles did Bruce Kimmel play on the PF?
Bruce Kimmel had five or six different roles on the PF, in most of them he ended up as Laurie's boyfriend. Two I recall vividly: in the cruise ship episode, he was "Howard" who courts Laurie with exaggerated tales and in "The Partridge Papers", he was "Marvin", the school newspaper editor who "didn't like" Laurie and held her diary hostage. Here's a link to his web page - you'll recognize him as soon as you see his pic, I'm sure.
cao, I read the page to which you linked. There are no dates to be found and the two people who write their accounts only provide their first names. What is the origin of this page? How did you find it? All I can see is that one free web page posted in internet's nowhere land. Sorry, but to me the stories look more like libel than anything legitimate.
So much better when I actually include the link ;-)
To Anonymous British Fan: I totally agree with your last paragraph. I think DC vacillates between genuinely embracing his teen idol status and the impact he had on so many people and deeply resenting it as the cause of a railroaded career.
Glad you like the blog. Hope to read more of your comments.
YES CAO - I'm still laughing. I don't speak very highly of my ex but I have more class than to post it online. Hell haveth no furry like a woman scorned! A man can unintentionally become a father but you can't force them to be a dad or a husband. Good for Sue!
That happen a few years and David did address these issues by saying something about giving him his privacy.
Following the boards for quite some time, this was a issues.
Some fans laughed if off saying that since Evelyn has dementia, she doesn't even know who David is.
When David's step father died and I saw that this mother was living in CA while David was in Fl, I thought it was a little strange.
David could live anywhere he wanted to and chose to live on the West coast while his mother and daughter lived on the East Coast.
This wasn't Sherry (Katie's mom)by the way on this blog. It's her friends.
Sherry feel that despite all the problems that David had, that he did give her a good daughter.
There have been other articles as well dealing with child support and such.
Katie says she has a good stepfather.
For the longest time in articles, David acted like Beau was his only child while it was common knowledge that
Now Sherry said that she didn't want David talking about Katie because she wanted Katie to have a normal childhood.
I don't understand giving a half truth to your fan by pretending this was his only child.
Go on laughing about this situation if you want.
These people believe that the only way to get through to David is by getting the truth out. I believe that too.
There are too many people out there trying to protect him for reasons I don't know.
Like I said, I could go to his concerts and enjoy a Patridge Family song.
I could separate Keith and David.
An error David lived on the East coast. Katie and Evelyn lived on the West
CAO: David Cassidy doesn't owe his fans all the details of his private life and anonymous claims of his neglect and abuse on the web don't concern me.
What he does owe his fans is respect and gratitude for their loyalty and support all these years.
I'm a latecomer to the party but some of his fans have not wavered in their support of him for forty years.
My post and fans' disappointment at his behavior have nothing to do with confusing David with Keith.
My point into bringing all this to your attention is that David was going to go on his website and trash the people sponsoring this autograph show.
David's fans seem to be blind to the fact that he could be manipulative.
I just brought up another example concerning David's mom and daughter were David did not show up well.
David has not apologized nor will he.
This subject was put up for discussion.
Now you say you don't want to hear the details of his past public relations disasters.
I am remember the words of the late great Michael Jackson,
Cao, David Cassidy's personal life is really none of your business. Nor is it our business, and it shouldn't be. Just because some people who know him talk about his private life on the internet doesn't mean that the entire world has the right to dissect it and pass judgement on it. It's not like he was convicted of child abuse and thrown in jail. It's also not a matter of public record, like when Alec Baldwin left that rotten message for his daughter on her answering machine. You're commenting on private conversations and history he had with other people, but you weren't there to hear any of it and you don't know these people. You're free to think whatever you like, of course. But putting it into written form is libel, besides the fact that it's not nice.
As for his behavior last weekend, that all happened out in public, and is open to anyone's criticism.
Cao, I'm sorry you feel that David has treated your friends very unfairly in their personal life. I agree with SLK though that in such a public forum, fans and others can only respond to his public persona and behavior. If you want to cite specific documented examples of his public relations disasters that would back up some of your claims, that would be something that would perhaps be worth seeing. The rest is none of our business.
I’d also like to say something about airing all of this alleged dirty laundry on the internet. Doesn’t all of this ultimately hurt Katie and her family and even David’s family, including Beau? You say you are trying to help them, but are you really? I have an ex with whom I could have a better relationship, but for the sake of my kids, I’m not about to trash him all over the planet, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to do it either. He is their father. Trash him and I trash my kids.
This all happened years ago with David's mother.
Why didn't David sue?
They said they have documentation to prove what they were saying is true.
They said the only reason they were airing this was to get David's attention because it was the only way to get through to him.
David might be hard headed as he is proving himself in this situation.
I don't know these people but they have been consistent.
You could look back to that PEOPLE magazine article with David and KAtie.
Katie's mom did comment that David's comments were inappropriate.
The situation now seems consistent with David's behavior now.
Danny Bonaduce said, as well people who have gone to David's concerts, that DC through temper tantrum from the stage.
Some of DC fans seems to accept this.
I am waiting for an apology from DC.
Maybe I should not hold my breath.
Thank you both SLK and Singmedavid for your thoughtful and eloquent responses.
cao: David keeping areas of his life private (e.g. not discussing Katie when she was younger) is not manipulation: it's his business what of his private life he divulges to the public. Not sure why he'd be required to apologize for that. In any case, this blog is not a forum to discuss his private life so I would appreciate if you would refrain from doing so.
For the record, I don't love David Cassidy. I don't know the man. Love a lot of his records, his portrayal of Keith on PF, his voice, his looks in the early 70s, his work in Man Undercover and appreciate most of his acting pre-PF, but I could never claim to love a man I've never even met.
I apologize, Cao and Daydreaming David, but I think I was misleading in my prior comment. When I said back up claims about David, I was talking about citing claims of his public behavior only. Like when Cao said in her last post that David’s comments in the recent People magazine article were inappropriate and relating that to what he did last weekend at the show. Or if he was lying or manipulative in public that clearly contradicts another public statement he made.
Yeah, Cao, it seems like many do accept his behavior and continue to get hurt. I feel bad for those who have this hobby of collecting PF memorabilia, and they have everyone's else's signature but his. It seems that they should reasonably expect to have David sign them too. But, sigh, David does not behave as we would expect normal people to act, does he? I don't know why, I'd just be speculating, and it's none of my business. “Why” really isn’t that important at this point b/c it seems he continues to pull stunts like this periodically. Callous is as callous does. I can think of some less flattering terms but I won’t indulge.
As far as getting an apology, at this point, I don't think I'd believe any of it. I can tell you that I don't want to be one of those people who continues empower this behavior or to have expectations that leave me disappointed and hurt by his behavior. David has invalidated his PF fans and it would be great if he would come forward and acknowledge that. Not come forward and say,
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t feeling well, I didn’t mean to come across like a jerk,…”
Blah, blah, blah. But something real like,
“Yes, I am conflicted in how I feel about the fame I received during the PF years and how it has sustained my career vs. how I wish to be acknowledged now. But I realize now that I have unwittingly invalidated my fans of PF with my demands, and for that I’m truly sorry. I would like a chance to make up for my obnoxious behavior… In the future, here is what I will do,...“
And so forth. Has he ever apologized before w/o making “excuses”? I just might listen to a sincere apology owning and completely accepting responsibility for his offensive behavior and all of it’s consequences. But outside of that, no way.
So for now, I’m just going to stick to what I do enjoy about him that is permanent and can’t change, like his music. I can’t be disappointed with that.
Do I go to the trouble of going to a concert at this point, I’m not sure anymore. Probably not.
Sorry to bring up the points about David's private life.
I thought that this was valid because he has came out with the autobiography stuff twice.
He says things like "I am ashamed of the way I was treated women". Then he goes on to brag about his groupie experience.
Someone here mentioned when I posted about David's mom something like, "Do you think about Beau?".
Beau is over 18 now and is in college.
He does seem like a nice kid.
Well David's father has Jack has 2 grandchildren named after him one is 10 years old.
A lot of interviews I have read with David, he trahes his father.
Again sorry to offend, but David
does tell certain stories that contradict with other peoples version of events.
I agree with that last poster.
Whatever excuse he will come out with now, may not be sincere.
I will now refrain from David's personal life.
Again sorry.
Listen, whatever has been published in credible publications about him is fair game for discussion. Especially if it has any bearing on his career. But I don't want to entertain any anonymous thrashings of him and his private life.
I recently finished his first autobiography and am starting on his second. I'll be commenting on them in future posts. By the by, it's true that the second autobiography is the first, but augmented. (I have the paperback UK edition of "Could it be Forever" published by Headline Review, ISBN 9780755315802.) So far (first five chapters), I've noticed new content on at least every second page. Don't know why his collaborator's name on the first disappeared from the second though.
"my my, aren't we in a nasty mood today!"
Hmm, seems like you should address that same comment to Mr. Cassidy. Or would you? Seems you let him get a pass with being nasty, SLK, but no one else can. I am sick of how some fans keep defending Cassidy's behavior. I've read this is not the first time he's been brutal with fans and he keeps getting away with it, because EVERY time fans have said, "Oh hit's not his fault, he had a splinter, he couldn't find his favorite socks so it put him bad mood, or the weather wasn't how he wanted it. They always find fault with everyone else for his behavior. Those autograph shows are a nice way for fans to get to meet the performers they like. Actors like Tony Curtis, Richard Dreyfus, and academy award winner Shirley Jones have done those events. What makes David think he is better. HE is the one who perpetuates the Partridge Family stuff. He did a VH-1 show about the Partridge Family, he said in "Ruby" promotion interviews that HE showed Shaun HIS idea for a NEW PARTRIDGE FAMILY. Shaun rejected that and put Ruby & The Rockits together. But DAVID pitched a NEW PF. Why do that if you don't want to be remembered for that?? Everything that David is quoted as saying at this autograph show is in total contradiction to what he does regarding the PF. He had a theatre career but he purposely went back to the "teen idol" stuff. He even did a teen idol concert tour with The Osmonds and other 70's stars. What he says and what he does just don't match up, but everything is HIS choice to do it. Didn't he read the contract he signed for the autograph show??? He said at the show that he is 59 years old, well then he needs start acting like a 59 yr old and take responsiblity for his life and actions. Russel Crowe had to, Kanye West had to, Don Imus had to, Letterman had should David Cassidy
Those autobiographies are not credible.
In fact, most celebrity bios are ghost written.
A lot of fan won't do fact checking, but I did.
If you want to call that 'his personal life" DC is the one who put it out there.
People have to question these things.
The movie version has even less credibility.
In fact, David's brothers wanted nothing to do with the movie due to the way Jack was portrayed.
When Ryan Cassidy had a website, he called the feeling being hostile.
1) Jack Cassidy's death.
The scene in the movie had Jack surrounding by bottles and then they show Jack passing out with a cigarette in his had.
(truth)Jack was alcohal level was 1.2 (past out drunk is 2.0) there was no liquor found at the scene
Jack was asleep on the couch.
2) In the book, Jack was bisexual.
Truth- Jack left home at age 14 to be in a Cole Porter musical.
Cole was 36 years older than Jack.
There were rumors but there are about everybody.
There are too many things to name.
hmm, good points, anonymous. To me, there's a difference between defending someone's behavior, which I don't think I was doing, and trying to understand it, which I probably was. I admit I have a soft spot for the guy, I fell in love with him when I was 6. And I think it's also related to the nature of the behaviors as well. Yes, he has a side that's pompous and rude, and it reflects badly on him---but he's not evil, and to me, that's an important distinction. He doesn't beat up his wife, or bet on dogfights, or pretend he's pure and virtuous while hiding a cocaine habit---he's just a normal flawed human being. Honestly, I don't know how well I would cope with that kind of fame myself. It's a real burden to be a celebrity these days---you always have to be perfectly dressed, in a good mood, always entertaining others around you, and then on top of that you have to be polite to people who constantly come up to you for pictures and autographs, and patient with reporters who ask you any kind of personal question---I put myself in his position and I think I would be pretty stressed out from all of that. I would probably be better-behaved than he is, because that's my nature, but I find it hard to blame him for having a hard time with it.
On the other hand, yes, of course, he should act differently, or get out of the business. But that might yet happen. Or, what's even more likely, he might find that there aren't so many fans around him after a while. Already he's frequently playing to half-filled venues---some will try to blame that on bad promotion, but it might be a sign of a dwindling fan base. What happens with his future career is totally up to him. More outbursts like last Sunday's show will hurt him. I'm not angry at him; I'm more sad for him because he doesn't seem to understand that there is a problem.
cao, what fact checking did you do concerning David's bio?
As for his movie, if you're referring to "The David Cassidy Story", there is a disclaimer at the beginning (or end - I don't recall) credits that state that characters are composites and certain segments have been fictionalized. In other words, liberties with truth were taken. It's a matter of viewer beware. A lot of movie biographies are done that way. It's very misleading for those who don't already know the performer's story, I'll grant you that.
As for David's claim in his bio that Jack Cassidy was bisexual, what does that matter? I don't view it as any blemish on the man's character. It might be true; it might not be. To be taken with a grain of salt as should any rumor.
As for his autobiographies being ghost-written: the first says "with Chip Deffaa". Who wrote most of the words? David or Deffaa, a professional writer? Probably Deffaa. Why doesn't the second one credit Deffaa as well (seeing as most of the book repeats verbatim the first)? Good question.
But just because a book is ghost-written doesn't devalue it. To my mind, it's similar to a writer using a pseudonym.
David had a different ghost writer for his second auto-biog. who arranged and did the interviews with family & friends. Unfortunately David did not give this writer a credit in the book. Or give Chris a re-credit either for the parts reprinted from the first auto-biog.
If I was either of them, I'd be pissed, cos the second writer can't even put that he did the book on his own resume since it's not shown on the book. I heard from a friend who knows the writer that he contacted Cassidy to ask why, but wasn't replied to.
Thanks for the reply, Anon 10:17. Not sure what the arrangement was with the ghost writer for the second edition, but normally ghost writers aren't credited. (That's where the ghost part comes in.)
Who's Chris? Did you mean Chip? or is Chip a nickname for Christopher?
It does seem wrong that Chip Deffaa wasn't credited again on "Could it be Forever?"
No that BIo is not a source of reliable info.
I have read Dave Madden's BIo ( Reuben Kincaid) and he has mentioned that he spoke to David about the books and the movies and he could not get through to David.
By the way, Dave Madden's book was not scandalous.
Danny Bonaduce says that David tells lies and so forth.
Susan Dey must have been so embarass by it she wouldn't comment.
Brian Foster, who played the 2nd Chris on the show, said that David's movie and so forth are an embarrassment. He said they are one exageration after another.
I think the problem is that David still has this loyal fans you believe him.
To David to be his fan, You have to live in the world according to David.
And David had to live in the world according to Jack.The story repeats itself here.
Yes Daydreaming I meant to say Chip.
We keep saying ghostwriter but perhaps that is not what it actually was. I asked my friend who knows the second writer and my friend said no one said he was a ghostwriter. The writer himself told friends beforehand he was going to co-write. As Chip did on the first one. Apparently the second co-writer is a known music writer. My friend didn't give me the name, but said the writer was a big PF and David fan which was why he was contacted to do it.
Both he and Chip got gyped on the second book, but at least people know Chip's name from the first. The second writer got screwed and can't prove it.
SKL wrote:"He doesn't beat up his wife, or bet on dogfights, or pretend he's pure and virtuous while hiding a cocaine habit-"
We don't know and cannot say what goes on or doesn't go on in his home. How do you know he doesn't do or does something in his private life? You hope he doesn't do certain things, but you can't definitely say one way or the other. Like Hasselhoff being drunk on that video, who would know if his kid didn't film him? People had no idea. And that Rolling Stone
magazine article David did in the 70's, he admitted to having tried almost every drug out there and f-ing any girl he could,while he had this pure image on TV and in teen mags. I think that was the last time he was really honest in an interview.
Ok, Brown eyes, DC had to lived in the world according to Jack. David had other male role models in his life. He had his grandfather, stepfather and variuous uncles.
David did spend time with the Jack. There are pictures of him with the guy.
Barbra Steisand said that her only picture of her with her father was a picture next to a tombstone.
Many people grew up without fathers in their lives.
Billy Joel for instance.
HE doesn't whined about it in every interview.
I felt Jack must have been embarassed by David when he was on that show.
David was dissing the show, the song and kept talking about breaking his contract. Do you think people in the business want to hear this.
No wonder people dropped him like a hot potato.
cao, do you have respect whatsoever for anything that David Cassidy has done? If you do, it's coming across about as well as your empathy in your posts.
I have gone to David's concerts. I went to one a few months ago. I like the songs of the Partridge Family. I get a kick out of the audiences. I never paid for any of these concerts becuase I got in for free.
I liked the PF show. I could forget all about the negative for a while.
I am more of a fan of Shaun and the other brothers.
Most people who are fans of David have the 20 year old David up and and I know the 59 year old David could never compete.
From Researching the guys life, I have heard from more than one fan of his or even friend of his who has gotten heartbroken by his actions.
IF we are talking about David Cassidy the man here. I feel that some things need to be talk about to give a fair debate.
My blog is a collection of my thoughts on David Cassidy, specifically "his looks, his talent, his career", not a debate on the man's character.
I will not entertain libelous hearsay about him. If he does something ass-foolish that's credibly documented and pertains to his career, it's fair game for discussion. Otherwise, I don't want to hear about it.
Saying that 59-year old David Cassidy can't compete with his 20-year old self is asinine. Whose life has a time machine that permits such a competition? If you want to compare his talent NOW vs. THEN, that's one thing. If you want to compare his looks NOW vs. THEN, that's another thing (apart from George Clooney, who looks better NOW than THEN?). Otherwise your comment is pointless.
If you enjoy Shaun, Patrick and Ryan's work more than David's, perhaps your time would be better spent discussing their work on blogs and message boards dedicated to them rather than here? So far, it seems that you're here to convince us that David's work isn't worth our consideration. If that's what you believe, you'll have to provide something more substantial than what you have so far to sway us.
If you're just here to tell us that David Cassidy is not worthy of absolute adulation, there is no need for that either. We know: he's not a god. I think I've been pretty objective discussing his work on this blog.
I think not just me, but a lot of people want to root for him in his work.
Maybe my interpretation of David's work also has to do with the books *(about himself)* (TV movie)about himself)* TV documentaries (about himself).
David is not all that happy in his work. I wish he would find something cause Ruby did not get ratings.
My comparing his to these brother is that they are that they seem happy.
We also had that troubleing incident happen last week. Maybe I thought my comments were balancing some things out.
A lot of people have to battle with their former self.
Farrah had to battle with her poster.
I think a lot of people, who have looks, have that to battle.
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