"Women who are ovulating prefer men who are more masculine and "more... genetically unrelated," ...; women who aren't ovulating prefer guys who are more feminine and genetically more similar...."Read about the scientific theory behind our crush here. Interesting how some of his young female fans from back then are "re-discovering" him now, perhaps at a, uh, certain time in their life? ;-) Dare to chime in?
Oh, and here's an example of young DC's non-threatening sexuality.

Let's all thank Annie Leibovitz for capturing that image. I've a feeling we're not the only generation that will appreciate it.
Morning. I think when I was young, up to about age 13,I fell for that non-threatening angelic appearance. There was always something about the eyes I didn't understand at that age. By the time I was 16/17 (I remember he married for the first time, that was the only news that filtered through), David had sort of disappeared off the radar, I had bought his first RCA album and liked it very much but after that I couldn't find out much about him. At this point I was adult enough to realise there was something very erm 'sexual' there too. When interviewed as David Cassidy he looked, carried himself and sounded different to 'Keith'. It was a sexiness that I would not notice as a young girl. His eyes were stunning but there was a 'sleaziness', that's not really the word I'm looking for, but definitely there was 'sex' there. That picture from RS you have posted personifies what I saw and felt. At that moment in my life I was truly besotted with him but he was no longer there. I was not aware of his private life then, just remembered he had a 'good image' but that 'naughty vibe' was definitely there. I'm thinking plenty of girls/women who were older at that time would have fallen for him (as his exploits suggest), so I'm surprised he wasn't seen as more of a sex symbol in his heyday in spite of the 'teen idol' tag.
After checking out said scientific article I'd propose most of David's conquests were on the pill!!
Geez, so ovulating less is middle age could be making us perv (sorry about that expression) over young David Cassidy again. I have to remember to look to the qualities he has now so I don't feel like a 'dirty old woman'. Ha ha. I think I've lowered the tone enough for one day.
Very interesting perspective. It's true I did grow up to prefer bigger guys---still do. But what I really fell for was the voice. David Cassidy had (and has) the sexiest voice ever, whether he's singing or speaking. Watch the part at 2:10 in this clip and imagine that voice in your ear---my goodness. His wife Sue is a lucky woman.
OMG, what a feast to wake up to this morning!!! Thank you DD.
Yes!!! Very interesting article indeed. I think I’m going through the change now!!!! Seriously, after reading that article, I’d say my newfound interest right now is not just a coincidence. That explains A LOT. That’s funny, BF, “perv”. I have been wondering about that myself. LOL!!
SLK, I fell for his voice too back then but I think if I had seen all these images that are now so readily available, I would have fallen for his looks too. Mmmm, yes, I love his voice on Rock Me Baby. Yeah!!!
Today’s picture. Wonderful. Beautiful. I feel weak looking at it!!!! Yes, those marketing folks are insidiously powerful. They probably took one look at him and instantly creamed (sorry for the graphic) knowing they had hit the lottery.
Gush alert::: OMG DD, I am still going crazy over that interview link in one of your last comments to your previous post!!!! Lots of lip lickin’ too. While over there on YouTube, I clicked on more of that interview where he performs
I woke Up in Love This Morning. He looks amazing in the interview and singing/playing!!! OMG, I can’t get over it!!!! LOL!! Here he’s got this more enticingly “I dare you to come get me” (uh!!!), incredibly sexier look about him version of the man that drove all those young girls completely wild back in the early seventies. As VIGOROUS as ever!!!! GOSH, I WISH I WAS THE GUITAR. That jump he does at the end, something warm and familiar from what he used to do. I LOVE HIS HAIR here!!! And those sinewy long fingers….:-)))))))))) LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know what the ring is that I think I’ve always seen him wearing on his right hand?
He could have been a Paul Newman, Robert Redford…But one thing that is occurring to me watching this video, is that he has perhaps chosen to perform, over more sensibly pursuing other acting roles, because he loves, loves the adulation he gets from charming and captivating his audience, and he’s even willing to perform PF songs to get his fix.
British Fan, speaking of his sexuality, the hint of that in the C'mon Get Happy movie (Shirley, "Back stage at one of your concerts is no place for Hugh Hefner.") is what enticed me so much to find out why he was the most wanted man on the planet.
singmedavid, thanks for putting up that link, yet another one I haven't seen yet. Oh happy day! Happy Halloween everyone, we're in the thick of it here but I guess yours will be in full swing in a few hours. Thanks SLK for putting forward the case for THAT voice too!
British Fan, I doubt we were the only who noticed that certain look in his eyes. One described it as David Cassidy's f***-me eyes. Apt description if I ever saw one. A more polite one is "bedroom eyes" and of course, I've already shared the picture that makes me go Yowza! when I look at his eyes. All this to say that I think those producers were deluding themselves when they described his sexuality as nonthreatening. Gina Lollobrigida, hardly part of his target audience, most definitely saw past the teen idol image. It's all in the eyes. ;-) And of course, in the voice, as SLK points out :) Man, that voice. Guess it's normal that I had to be an adult to appreciate it.
Singmedavid (you noticed his fingers too, huh), I don't recall that comment from Shirley in C'mon Get Happy. Hmm. Will have to watch it again. I know that in "Could it be Forever", David mentions spending time at Hefner's "Grotto". To answer your question, his father gave him that pinkie ring of his family crest. He lost it a few years ago and offered a reward for its return but it never turned up.
DD, that line is in the part of the movie where Danny has a black eye that makeup is trying to cover up, and Shirley calls Dave M., Susan, and David aside to discuss taking turns taking Danny for the weekend so he doesn’t have to spend it at home. She first asks David, and he says he has concerts, and back stage at one of his concerts is no place for kids. And then Shirley says….:=)
The eyes, esp. his younger eyes, to me say "I love sex." He just comes across as such a raw sexual creature. Remember in his first book, he talks about what he used to do best...:=)
Thank you Daydreaming David. That's the kind of smouldering look I meant. Singmedavid your description of his eyes 'I love sex' could be captioned over that picture. Yeah, this is what I was trying to say when I was rambling yesterday. Thanks guys!
Still dumbfounded why women of ALL ages weren't going ga ga back then. Singing Rock Me Baby, well, what more can I say? He's like the Pied Piper of sex appeal.
David had the goods to have gone onto a Bon Jovi kind of career.
I like that, BF, Pied Piper of sex appeal!! I suspect that my mom was intrigued with him back then! I asked her about him recently, and she knew a lot about him. Remembers him on the news, etc. But maybe the older ones wouldn't have been into PF or the music as much, and they probably wouldn't buy teen magazines. It may have just been a matter of exposure.
Very interesting theory. I never thought of David as sexy, "just" beautiful and gorgeous. I always thought the explanation was that I had not yet discovered sex, I was young and innocent (12), but now I see it: I had already reached puberty when I discovered David, and since I was ovulating, I was drawn to more masculine men: and yes, I did have some dirty thoughts about Paul Newman! I don't find David sexy now either, but then again, I'm still ovulating and not on the pill, so that makes sense. Maybe I should go on the pill and see if it makes a difference? A very exciting experiment: will I find David sexy or not? Or I'll just wait a few years and I'll know the answer.
Hi MaeB, I say just enjoy the view for now, and then you'll have something else to look forward to in a few years. LOL!!!
Daydreaming David, I forgot to thank you for being so kind as to answer my question about the ring. I think I remember that now from his book. Didn't his father leave that to him in his will?
No, he gave it to him when he was 18, IIRC. JC left him nothing in his will and when JC's estate was liquidated, David bought one of his pocket watches as a memento.
Just wanted to add: I linked to that study for the fun of it. As with any scientific study, I'm sure counter arguments can be made for the theory. For the record, I prefer the guy on the left and my condition would dispute the theory. ;-)
Hi Daydreaming,
of course one must take that study with a "pinch of salt", as we say in my country. But it was fun, so thanks for the link. I tried to find something about the method used, but it seems like they build their article on other people's research, not a study of their own. Have not read the full article though. (I'm an unsuccessful doctorate student.)
And I did feel David wassexy when I was standing in front of the scene in the UK last year and his shirt slipped up and I saw the stomach I had watched on Annie Leibowitz pictures. The thought of touching that and... Now this lady is going to bed with only the dog as company - at least she warms my cold feet!
Hi MaeB, Wow! His shirt slipped up right in front of you??? omg. I can't even imagine. Thanks for sharing. :-)
I still think he's sexy. It took me a little while getting used to his now look, but watching him work his audience now...still as enchanting and captivating as ever. And those old "I love sex" and "I know you lust after me" looks are still there. LOL!!!
Daydreaming David,
I just want to clarify about Jack's will.
Jack and David had the same financial advisors.
Jack also got into the bad financial scam that made David Bankrupt, it didn't effect Jack as badly.
Ryan Cassidy noted that Jack's doctor told them after Jack died that Jack would have only have lived two more years if Jack had not died that way he did.
Jack had 3 children under the age of 18 to think of.
By the way, Jack had rings made for each of his children and Jack's brother.
Patrick got Jack's orginal ring, but that got stolen from Pat's house by some housing contractors.
Pat's ricg was stolen as well.
The only one who wears the ring constantly is Ryan.
Thanks cao, but I don't think the thread required any clarification about Jack Cassidy's will. I stated a fact about it in a comment and did not speculate on the reasons for it. Thanks for the additional info about the rings.
Ah well, there are two sides to David's appeal in my opinion. Of course there are his looks, his talent, his sweetness in interviews etc. But what everyone omits to mention is that he was marketed this way, even before the first PF episode aired.The chose him specifically to be a teen idol. And boy did they know what appealed to teenyboppers! So what he wore, his lines in the PF, the songs, how he sang them (he was repeatedly told to sing softer) and don't forget they changed the pitch too to make him sound younger,the photos taken by an official photographer, and of course the teen mags : all perpetuated this squeaky clean adorable image for about 5 years. Put this together with the raw David and the result was explosive. He was around at the same time as Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond, but they were not marketed to this extreme, so although they were popular, David was off the scale. Elle
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