Monday, October 26, 2009

With fans like these, who wants a career?

Thank you American Girl for your comment in the previous thread alerting us of official word about "David Sunday's Disaster". Are these statements (bolding mine) really the best way for David Cassidy's manager to address the situation?

"He did get irritable – as fans got angry and nasty because he wouldn’t do exactly what they wanted. He’s not an object, he’s a person. Others tend to forget that. The reason he left was because A) he threw up in the bathroom and felt sick as a dog; and B) he didn’t want to anger any more fans by not cooperating fully with their excessive demands. David loves his fans and is very cognizant of their support over their years and appreciates it."

Angry and nasty fans with your excessive demands, shame on you! And the PR mess gets messier.


singmedavid said...

Agreed. This may seem harsh, but I think he needs to A) Fire his publicist. She certainly doesn’t seem to have helped at all and has made matters worse with her inflammatory comments about fans. >=O

SLK said...

Oh yeah, he needs a new manager. That's embarrassing. She's a sloppy writer as well.

singmedavid said...

Thank you SLK! I was feeling a little mean about my comment. I guess it is a bit mean, but I'm so sick of her crap. She makes David look like an ass. He may be in this case, but she is definitely a poor rep.

cao said...

This seems to be all financial for David.
I saw the last line in that letter.

This is damaging and could have financial ramifications.

To me the classy thing to do (if he was that sick) was to just apologized and leave.

Instead he demanded money from the event handlers and threatened to trash them over the internet.

This is why the people who were there have to keep going with their version of what happened.

This episode just seems to fall in line with other stories ( such at 'the story of my life') that other people cause the problems, not David.

It is time for this DC fans to stop enabling him by saying he just had a bad day.

I know that self absorbtion is part of DC's mental illness but this is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

oh dear, she is making things a hundred times worse. I always thought your PR manager should liase between artiste and fan. Shes just alienated a whole bunch of fans, blaming us for his outburst. As for bringing a lawsuit against the NE, did they actually print anything that wasn't true? The sanitized version of events on his website against eye witness reports are poles apart.
Hour credibility is on the brink of being destroyed forever. mainly by the people who you have work for him.
And the thing that really insults me the most, she admits that he was irratible and angry yet not one word of an apology.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This thread is now linked on cmongethappy.
Everyone knows David can be a prize jerk and his own worst enemy! He can't keep his feelings hidden for whatever reason and I don't dispute that he was feeling real sh*tty that day. In hindsight he should have cancelled but what's done is done.
If I ever met David and he was a little 'off' I would just retort with a sarcastic but good natured comeback and tell him to have a nice day! I would not allow one of David's unpredictable moods to rob me of my enjoyment of his music or acting. Like it or not he is 'damaged goods'. If his audiences dwindle, well just send him back to England. He is well loved here and English people love and can cope with eccentrics. We have enough of them here! David was last here in November and I had no idea, he was off my radar BUT I won't miss another opportunity in future. I am prepared. Just bring up to date David photo. Don't mention Partridge family! Be thick skinned. Sorted!
British fan xxx

Anonymous said...

Don't take above post too seriously, is mainly just to lighten mood!I think more people should say what they feel to his face. It might get through eventually. After all he is slight built and that can't be that intimidating! Hell, I'd take him on and I'm only 5"2'. Actually, I must confess that if I were married to him I might have decked him by now.
Love him though, can't help myself.
British fan xxx

Daydreaming David said...

British fan, why do you think the UK loves him so still? He certainly seems to get more respect on your side of the pond than he does in North America.

I'm with you though, I'm not letting his mood or problems taint my enjoyment of his work. Heck, we were actually told to get a life yet that contemptuous attitude still doesn't deter me from blogging about him practically every day. Some people collect stamps as a hobby. I blog about David Cassidy. And I have a life - a very rich and full one, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I think he made such a huge impact back in the day. We really haven't had anyone like him since.The hysteria stopped with David. The press really hyped it up. He was always on the news, some even followed him around reporting and stuff. It amazed me when I started researching him a few months ago that so many others were doing the same! The amount of videos/tributes on youtube is just staggering, posted from people all over Europe and the US. I haven't seen so much dedication given to any other performer. Even my O/H was amazed when I showed him some of it.
In David's book the publisher or whatever for Tiger Beat said teen idols are forgotten after a few years but he was wrong in this case. Whatever magic David possessed was so strong it has kept fans coming back over the years.
This alone should show David that he is a very special person and unique, but as recent events testify it ain't registered on him has it? Makes me what to shake him into acknowledging it and to give himself a break... Obviously the majority of fans are female and British people have an in-built sympathy for the underdog or those who have had hard knocks in life, whether justified or not. This can cloud our judgement and make us too forgiving maybe?
I think I may have been one of the first British people to come across David. I was visiting relatives in Canada for a month's summer vacation in I think 1971, when I was 8 or 9. I watched Partridge Family with my cousins and become obsessed with David! When I got home I told everyone about him but was greeted with meh.. so what! That soon changed about a year later!
British fan xxx

cao said...

The image and the music of the Partridge Family was not of DC's choices. He was just told to sing it and that was it.
The merchandising of the show, DC had no control over.
I think a lot of people want to give DC credit for some of the songs and warm feelings about the show.
In fact, DC owed a lot to that show and then he says it is not the way he wants to be remembered.

Some people just go to the shows because of a certain song that they liked.

DC should then just go out without the Partridge Family songs and then see how many people still like him.
ITs a risk, but I think that way it will prove to him how much the show meant.

Anonymous said...

You're right that David owes a lot to the p/f and the musical education he received through it. Equally though, David brought his own magic to the show.I think he knows this deep down and does appreciate it, despite the cr*p that unwisely comes out his mouth from time to time.
British fan xxx

Anonymous said...

No David is not as popular in Britain anymore. The last 3 date tour only one third of tickets were sold. At hammersmith the venue he used to fill, he sold 1500 tickets, it holds 3500.
The reason I think David's popularity has waned is due to his outbursts on stage and his obvious lack of rehearsal. When asking the fans months in advance to vote in a poll for the top 10 songs of their choice that they would like to hear him sing in concert, The majority of fans chose Sing Me, he learnt the words 1 hour before the last show. The meet and greets that he auctioned on Ebay were nothing short of an insult, with David spending 2 minutes with people who had paid £1000 and upwards. the concerts in Britain have hardly changed in content since his comeback in 2001. Fans are moving on. The Once In A Lifetime Tours that David was involved in,with other artists from the same era unfortunately showed him up for what he really was. Arrogant, testy, talked too much, thought it was all about himself. When you see masters of their craft like Osmonds and David Essex work the crowd, willingly sign autographs on arrival and departure from venues, it makes you ashamed to be a fan of someone who has absolutely no regard for what his fans think. Its all about the dollars.
Disheartened ex fan

Anonymous said...

Oops, burst my bubble why don't you! I've been reading the then and now fansite and I got the impression he was still very popular! He is on there and the Downunder site anyhow. I'd still like to see him myself before passing judgement.
British fan xxx

Anonymous said...

In David's defence the Meet and Greet he did on Isle of Wight, England went well. He met around 150 individually and even missed his flight because he wanted to try to meet everyone (although a few had to be promised another meet at a concert). Some heartfelt reviews of this event are floating around. Also, most fans must be satisfied with his performances since so many are posted favourably on youtube with many going back to see him time after time. If you think he is not popular just read the comments below them!
I am not David's publicist but I wouldn't say no to a free ticket!
British fan xxx

Anonymous said...

It has always been curious why the British women seem to accept and enable men who are verbally and emotionally abusive to them. Did you read Angela's Ashes? The wife and children put up with crap behavior of the husband who drank away and gambled away his wages while the family had to live in squalor and couldn't make ends meet without the salary. I mean no disrespect by it does seeim UK women would want to remain victims in the name of love or fandom, but hey that's them. Funny you did not mention that at the Isle of Wight he did not meet everyone who was there, did a rush 30 second meet with a few at the very end before he left (while those prior had longer sit down meets) and promised those who he didn't get to but who were going to his concerts that he would give them a proper meeting after which concert they were going to. That turned out to be a disaster because David's word was mistakenly taken by the British fans as genuine, and when the meetings were to take place at the concert, they were a joke, and the fans who missed a proper meeting on the IOW that they paid 300 pounds for again missed a proper promised make up meeting backstage, while the winners of the Ebay auction - oh yes David auctioned off front row seats with backstage passes on Ebay to the tune of over 1,000 pounds - also did not get their proper meeting that they paid for. And yet to the British fans it is all sunny and shiny regardless. So if they enjoy being treated like crap and have no empathy for those in the UK and over here who get treated like crap, then they can have him. There are a lot of other performers over here that appreciate and their fans and don't use them to wipe there feet on. One post on the cmongethappy site said that David could take a dump in their coffee or tea and they would love it. I think some of those fans are right on this comment list. American fans stand up for themselves respect when they are not treated kindly by a celebrity. Its why U2 fans got the apology from the group for a botched tkt sale. It's why Kanye West fans went on youtube and made videos not condoning what he did to Taylor Swift. Being a fan does not mean being brain dead and taking crap all the time and making lame excuses for the person.
You are more of a fan if someone's behavior affects you to say something. Only a lackadaisical, casual fan is the one who says, "Oh I don't care at all how he behaves or doesn't behave. Makes no difference to me." They are the enablers who prevent a person who needs help from getting it and recovering.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that but I would never allow anyone to verbally or physically abuse me. I am no-one's victim and have a mind of my own. I've said above that if I ever met DC personally I would give as good as I get. I suspect that anyone who has not enjoyed his concerts or had bad experiences with him would no longer bother with David again and rightly so. Those who still follow him have probably had positive experiences. They are also aware that he is not perfect and has demons.It is up to David and those around him how he behaves and portrays himself. If he is losing fans over it that also rests on his shoulders.
I appreciate the music and talent. That is all.
British fan xxx

Anonymous said...

The latest posts on cmongethappy site are well written and have the guts to stand up to David and his incompetent publicist, good for them.

Unfortunately, the Then and Now and Downunder sites are made up of the "dump in cup" fans mentioned in another comment here. They let him get away with everything. They think it will score them points with him against the 'bad remark' American fans. At least he knows when American fans are genuine in their praise of some concert or performance he's done cos if we like it we let him know & if we don't like something we let him know. With British fans how would he know if something he did was good or not, when they constantly cheer anything he does regardless of quality. Actors and Singers need both sides in order to develop more in their craft.

Anonymous said...


Yes, DC is talented and he used to be mega hot in the 70s. I believe we go because of the fantasy of what he used to be and because he is still hot. In a way. He still has a nice eyes and an ass.

However, DC cannot be having tantrums in public. When I'm sick, I stay home and don't infect anyone else. Oh, but the multi-millionaire needs more money.

Since DC is an actor then perhaps he should ACT like he likes his fans.

But DC is too lazy to do that. Just like he is too lazy to rehearse.

But who cares -- right? -- 'cause he is cute.

Seriously: fans travel long distances to see and hear him and his behavior is unprofessional and just not right.

Anonymous said...

Boy that Dave sure is lazy!! How did he ever survive so long in Vegas pulling in the crowds? He ain't doing bad in the energy stakes for someone pushing 60. Now I'll leave you all to cast your stones. Have fun! Goodnight/day.
British fan xxx

singmedavid said...

Anon, there are plenty of American fans that put up with his BS too. :-) It’s a universal thing and not just for DC fans. I get the feeling that a lot of people feel they are being mean by being upset and saying something about it (this concept is foreign to me, I’m afraid, as is evident in my occasional tart comment). But when it keeps happening, like you say, and British Fan, and I think everyone here is saying, then he is just being enabled and they are not helping by continuing to just pretend it isn’t happening. David, like the rest of us, needs to be held accountable. True, he’s had an extraordinary life, but that doesn’t mean that he gets to stomp all over people and not take responsibility by at least offering a sincere apology for his appalling behavior. Like Daydreaming David and British Fan, I still find a lot to enjoy about him that he can’t possibly taint. I don’t know that I’ll be going to concerts any time soon though!! :-)

singmedavid said...

Could someone please tell me what the then and now website is? Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

First english is not my motherlanguage, so please excuse my mistake.
I was at all 3 Concerts in the UK
and the were great. David was simple on his best. I have met
David once and all I can say he was very nice to me. He signed my autograph and took a photo with me.
Why should I don`t support him any-more, only while other fans had a bad day with him. I only go for what I see myself - and to me he was great.

singmedavid said...

Anon at 10/27 6:46 AM, glad you had such a great time and experience and thanks for sharing!! It sounds like a lot fans have and I hope to one day experience it for myself in person. I just hope he can get back on track with well rehearsed good performances giving fans their money’s worth because it sounds like he has fallen short on some recent occasions. I know of the Sing Me performance Anon at 10/26 6:43 PM was talking about and I was disappointed to see that he only just an hour before the show dredged it up and didn’t know all the words even as he was performing it, esp. when he freely admits it was the number one request???? Perhaps that was an isolated incident, I don’t know.

Anons, one and all, I confess, I used to be an Anon too, until I noticed the Name button when leaving a comment. You don’t have to leave an email address, url, or anything, just a name, any name, so that it will be easier to reference comments. fyi :-)

cao said...

Danny Boanduce also mentions that David has temper tantrums on stage.
Danny also mentioned that David is like the Grateful Dead in that the same people travel all over to see him.
Those same people have been protecting him all these years.
Demons and all, Danny Bonaduce has all that and he has only been grateful to his fans.
Danny has responded to e-mail and offered to go to the next autograph show and sign for free.
Everything with David is financial. I have been saying that for a long time.
The only way to make David learn his lesson is to boycott his concerts and everthing to do with financial supporting him.
Don't worry he will live without us.

Daydreaming David said...

I'll see about changing the comments options. I was under the impression that if I removed the possibility of anonymous users leaving comments, they would need to have a Google account. I don't want people to need to open an account to comment so I allow anonymous comments, but I don't want to address everyone as "Anon", you know? I'll see what the comment form looks like if I change that option (because of course, Blogger's comment modifications form does not look like the final comment form on the blog...ugh). Enough of my blogger pet peeves.