Hmm. Doesn't wash with me. Sorry. If that were the case, why say "That was then, this is now" to explain the removal of the pics? If that were the case, why not just say so to the always-so-understanding-and-forgiving DC fans? If that were the case, why refuse to sign the PF-era paraphernalia brought in by fans?
I'm starting to wonder if the reason is as simple as vanity, as a reader here mentioned in a recent post. It must be difficult to go to a show like this and be constantly reminded of your heyday when your good looks blinded everyone to your talents. Does he see those pictures of himself and wonder "What if...?" and "Damn, I should have appreciated those years more?" Or simply, does he just hate those years so much that he hates the reminders just as much? I dunno.
I know that I've heard him disparage his THEN looks during his recent concerts and interviews with comments such as "Who's that? Oh, she's pretty!" when looking at old posters of himself with his gorgeous long locks and "my gayest cover ever", referring to the Cherish album cover. Does he hate his THEN looks thinking perhaps that if he had looked different, we wouldn't have fallen for him so and turned him into a teen idol? His looks were slightly different pre-PF yet his appearances on TV shows still managed to elicit enough fan mail to teen magazines to show he was garnering a following of young admirers.
If a time machine could take David Cassidy THEN and transport him forty years later to NOW, I'm convinced he'd be just as big a teen sensation now as he was back then (not that he wanted to be, I know!). Zac Efron and the Jonas Brothers have nothing on young DC. Is it just me or does his look back then have a timeliness to it? I feel that way about his music too so might I be duping myself because I've been in a DC/PF bubble these past few months?

Ok, so maybe Joe Jonas could give young DC a run for his money. :-)
As all things 70's are in fashion now, you could pluck David straight out of 1973/74, walk him down any busy city street and he would stop traffic for sure. No-one can match his looks/charism. It's something he's had to deal with all his life.
If he'd never become famous, I think hordes of women would still have gone ga-ga over him and men would have been jealous of him.
I think there's some truth to all the questions you pose in paragraph 3. For some of the time I bet he enjoyed it and all the perks (he sure made the most of that haircut). David is vain to a degree, I think most beautiful people are. I think he tries hard to look good for his fans but I hope he doesn't go too far with the botox/surgery. Crags and creases look good on a handsome face. He's allowed to look his age now!
My 17 year old daughter's view is that he was gorgeous in youth but his singing voice is great. She thinks him very talented unlike some of today's pap. She thinks its 'funny' for a 40 something woman to be looking at pictures of a young man.But hey, at the time I was just a kid. Hence I'll take the older David now.
We forget David's lived in a bubble for nearly 40 years and his grip on reality is different from ours which surfaces in some of the behaviour. You never know what he will do next.
I wish Ruby had been give a chance to grow (damned ratings) as I loved David's sense of humour and intereactions with his brother Patrick. Guess David's still smarting from that one.Sure he'll bounce back though.
As for his looks, personally I think David reached his peak in looks during the 1990's when he was very handsome but looked more manly.
I don't think David will ever be able to get away from THEN because the impact was too strong.It touched so many of us. He should just be proud of the legacy.
British fan xxx
Poor David. He so wanted to be cool back then didn't he? A bit of a rock star, bit of a bad boy, a serious actor. Guess he was a bit of a bad boy on the quiet just as he is today. Makes him more appealing really. He was TOO attractive/beautiful to be a rock star (not craggy and dirty enough), perhaps thay's why he mocks his younger self so much. Maybe he should have shaved his hair off, don't think it would have helped though, he still would have looked good.
Thanks for the divine photo. I used to have that one on my wall. It is just perfect.
British fan xxx
Rambling to myself again. Being a bit unfair to David, just meant that he had the perfect package to be a pop star, of which he was the best ever.
British fan xxx
Here's a story for you---about a month ago, it occurred to me that I should show my nieces (8 & 5 yrs) who I used to be crazy about when I was their age. So I sat them in front of the computer and pulled up some PF videos on YouTube, and had them watch while I told them how DC was HUGE back then, bigger than the Jonas Brothers! Then I clicked on some more videos, and found one of his recent concerts, but my 5 yr old niece made me click back to the PF video, because she liked that one. The appeal translated! :) I got such a kick out of seeing them have a similar reaction to him that I did 40 years ago!
Now, the funny thing is, for me anyway, even though I still love the old pictures, I didn't grow up to like his kind of looks on a man. I tend to go for the bigger types---tall, broad shoulders, kind of like Russell Crowe about ten years ago. The only constant was the hair---I've always had a thing for guys with a big mop of hair. And the pukah shell necklace, too, I guess. It's the hippie thing about guys wearing jewelry. :)
I guess any generation could appreciate a David Cassidy.
I'm afraid my O/H has a David Cassidy build, David Cassidy height,luckily I'm only 5'2 and he still has a full head of hair (he's 54). Talk about David allegedly blaming his fans for turning him into a pop God what about us fans? We spend our lives looking for someone as perfect as David Cassidy! He spoilt us too! Just kidding.
British fan xxx
I always thought that Johnny Depp, when he appeared on 21 Jump Street, was sort of like DC in David Cassidy "man undercover".
Johnny was very handsome and a poster boy in his day.
Johnny also was a musician on the side.
Johnny got us all to embrace his dark side by the film roles that he took.
Johnny also did a lot of gothic things with his personal appearance.
I think David and Farrah Fawcett have something in common.
When Farrah was on the brink of losing her looks, she quickly revolted and was using hair extensions and surgery to get her looks back.
David does seem vain in this way too.
He tries to emulate his younger self instead of aging like the rest of his family.
I like the joke Patrick always makes,' I have to explain to people why I look like the oldest when I am one of the youngest.
Yeah, I agree about Johnny Depp. He had that hair-in-the-eyes thing, the smoldering look, very similar. I think Ashton Kutcher also has the same kind of appeal. And he wears pukah shell necklaces!
I agree DayDreaming David, that explanation of the pictures doesn’t explain his behavior.
And I also agree that David’s 70’s beauty is timeless.
I too loved his look in his early forties, British Fan, with his dose of manly definition.
And SLK, you have given me a wonderfully mischievous stunt to play on my sister, a stunt that keeps on giving. My sister introduced my kids to Austin Powers and Scary Movie. No problem there, but how about when they were around 7? !!!! I hadn’t seen either of these movies and when I sat down to watch it with them, I was shocked and kind of upset. I know my sister loves my kids (she was their nanny for 15 months), but I’m looking at her thinking that her sagacity chip was malfunctioning. She did explain later that she had forgotten about certain parts of the movie. Luckily, most if it blew over their heads.
Meanwhile, I’ve been patiently waiting for the day when I could get back at her. And the time is almost here, ladies. She has two young daughters. And one of these days I’m going to introduce them to PF and DC. LOL!!!!!!
singmedavid: "I’m looking at her thinking that her sagacity chip was malfunctioning." I'll have to remember that one - love it! And that is a cruel thing to do to your sister, but even crueler to your nieces. Think of the children, smd! Seventies stuff on DC is SO scarce. You'll be setting them up for a lifetime ebay addiction.
SLK: was DC really bigger than the Jonas Brothers back then? How do you figure?
British fan: your first sentence - this is exactly what I was thinking. He'd stop traffic now still. Are all things 70s really back in fashion now?
cao: I've read more than once that Man Undercover was the prototype for 21 Jump Street (which I've never seen). Johnny Depp used to make me swoon.
Well, if you go by ticket sales, he must have been bigger than the Jonas Brothers, don't you think? Didn't he sell out Madison Square Garden in hours? And all those sold-out Wembley shows? And the fan club members, and the number one records, etc.
I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't get the impression that young girls today are as completely in love with the Jonas Brothers as we were with David Cassidy. There's too much else going on today like the internet and video games and 750 channels on tv.
Correction: are NOT as completely in love
...I mean, when we were kids, there was only ONE thing to do on Friday night at 8:30! (and I was young enough that it was past my bedtime, but I begged until I got around that one)...
Hi Daydreaming David.
In England there's a 70's retro thing going on atm with regards to interior design and the clothes wouldn't look out of place. Well, maybe not the garish colours and flower patterns (I wonder why?!).
The Jonas Brothers haven't caught on so much here, although they are great to look at and talented. Zac Efron is huge here, mainly because the films are so popular. He's good but not a patch on our David.
As for David, Britain went nuts over him in the 70's! I remember the huge crowds at airports/hotels/concerts, stampedes and hysteria that surrounded him everytime he landed here for a gig. That's why my parents wouldn't allow me to go see him. They'd seen all the news on TV.
British fan xxx
The "Damn, I should have appreciated these years more" comment has really got me thinking. I can understand the craziness of it all but David would have known it would all die down eventually and he could have started focussing on re-directing himself while living off his accumulated earnings. He kept his childhood friends close to him for companionship which was sensible and he could have kept those who 'wanted a piece of him' at a distance. David said that he couldn't find a girl who would love him for himself and couldn't trust any girl to let into his 'inner circle'. I always thought he had that very girl there all along. Susan Dey. They were made for each other. I don't quite buy his protests of seeing her as just a friend/sister. There are many promo photos of p/f and behind the scenes ones where they interact/gaze at each other. All lovingly posted on YT. What do you think? Some of them give the impression of deep mutual feelings. David looks so relaxed and natural.Maybe at times the p/f set was a sanctuary from all the madness.
I think he enjoyed 'playing the field' too much at the time. Hooking up with Susan in real life would have given him even more of a clean-cut image which he always resisted. Perhaps this could be his biggest regret? I didn't like the way he wrote about their romantic encounter in his first book. That's the only one thing I take issue with. No wonder Susan broke contact with him.
No disrespect to his current wife. I'm very glad they found each other again and that David at last found happiness in his private life. Just my musings on what might have been.
British fan xxx
British Fan, I totally agree with what you are saying about Susan and David. We all know she was in love with him. But I marvel at how he looks at her, how close he is, how affectionate he is, how he caresses her face and nuzzles up to her. More pointedly, I have yet to see him like that with ANYONE else!!!!! Have you? I have a brother, and the thought of him being that way towards me is ewww! LOL!!!! It’s obvious to me that he adored her. I agree, I think there were other factors involved, not “she’s like a sister to me.”, although perhaps he couldn’t and can’t articulate it.
Maybe he thought she was too good for him in the sense that he knew he had issues with relationships. And maybe he just wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment at the time, esp. to someone who was such a close friend. After the…uh… “resourceful” women he usually hung out with for 4 years, maybe it was just too much of paradigm shift for him all at once. Your idea about wanting to shed the clean-cut PF image has a lot of merit too. I hadn’t thought about that. She would have been a constant reminder.
It’s amazing to me though that he was so charming and loving toward her and he didn’t realize what he was doing, how she’d feel about him? He still does that. The way he charms and captivates fans at his performances. Watching him with fans is incredible. How DOES he do it????? I love watching him, love the way he makes me feel. And when I think about it, it’s a bit uncanny that he is so capable of enchanting people like that. He is truly a master at his craft.
I have to wonder how she feels about it now. Life with him does not seem easy at all. So maybe he really did her a favor. Maybe he loved her that much to let her go, knowing he could only break her heart.
There are different barometers have how people mention teenage stardom.
David uses that fan club thing.
He says that he had more people in fan club than the Beatles. Now, the Beatles had older fan and they might just have been less likely to join fan clubs.
David's fans were mainly pre-teens.
The copyrights and licensing for four of the photos that were on the table belong to the convention and its promoter. David and his entourage knew this prior to him going into the convention.
There is now a letter on David's website with his publicist's version of what happened, which differs from what many others who were there, including celebrities and the show's directors have detailed.
Cannot believe the guy I thought was so sweet all those years ago has taken this turn in life with these "yes" people around him. David, you used to be better than this. Maybe Don Johnson knew correctly not to say hi to you years ago,(something you never let go of).
- American Girl
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