Monday, September 12, 2011

The Business of Show Business

Well, this is a new David Cassidy clip for me. We certainly get a good glimpse of how tiresome self-promotion can be. Imagine trying to answer questions while someone is whispering directives in your ear. And could they have found a longer name for those freakin' Billboard awards?! Holy crap on a stick, let's make tongues somersault every time people announce them.

Got to love how Cassidy mentions not wanting to mess with perfection by making a Partridge Family reunion TV movie. Hmm, kind of my thought when I heard his 2000 remakes of those PF classics. But dang, every time he laughs, I wish I could buy a David Cassidy laugh track. Could his laugh be any more charming?

Double yay on the B-52s love. That's where it's at, indeed. I loved Areosmith back then too but Don Henley, um, no. Here are the B-52s to remind everyone of good pure pop. Confession: I have not watched the video the whole way through. There's just no way I can resist getting up and dancing when this song plays.


singmedavid said...

Mmm. I love that idea. A whole CD of David's laughter.

I like the Love Shack too!

British fan said...

From the early 1990's? I remember he grew the shag back for his enigma album but it just occured to me that if you take away the hair his face looks more like it does today than when he was in the Partridge Family. Eek - I could never see that before. Too many of his modern day mannerisms there too, geez he was morphing into the current DC back then. But on the plus side, the repartee is more sparkling, he was definitely more animated and upbeat than today and the laugh was still cute.

Ah the B52's, who can forget the bonkers and genius of Rock Lobster!