Saturday, March 20, 2010

All I've found so far...

is a picture of one of David Cassidy's show at Epcot. (I think he's wearing his white shirt again.) Perhaps the social networks are buzzing with reviews? I don't have a clue because I don't frequent them. No worries though, this blogger's getting up to date with technology. When I found this picture with the title "Keith's posterous", I thought it was a typo. Keith Partridge's posterior! I am so there. Thank goodness I thought it was too good to be true. I now know that Posterous is a blogging platform. ;-) Who comes up with these names!? (They do realize that Twitter starts with "twit", don't they?)


UK Fan said...

A few more pictures here and it sounds like he did a good show although nothing new.

British fan said...

Thanks for that link UK fan. David pulls some funny faces. Glad it went well and the reviewer liked him.

singmedavid said...

Thanks UK Fan! It looks like it was a fun time!!

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks UK fan. Wonder how young this guy is: he had no clue who DC was. He watched the show with no preconceived ideas and he liked it. Cool.