Monday, March 8, 2010

No, I Mean That Sincerely

Here's a clip of David Cassidy performing in Queensboro, New York, last November. He lists people's reactions to his admission that he doesn't rehearse. I'm in the "Why?" camp. And no, I mean that sincerely. :) Why, David, why? Maybe if you'd rehearse, you'd have time to tune your guitar and wouldn't need to futz with your equipment or complain about technical issues in front of the audience. Stuff like that doesn't make your performance spontaneous, just careless.

Incidentally, the song he's performing here was initially written by Carl Perkins and reworked by The Beatles to be a lament about groupies. DC has changed the lyrics here. Is it still about groupies? It's a lament, for certain.


MaeB said...

I would be in two camps: unprofessional and WHY? I agree, it does not make the performance spontaneous, especially not if you have seen it a hundred times on YouTube. And if spontaneous means that you can chose a song in the inspiration of a moment, isn't it possible to have a repetoire of songs you have rehearsed to chose from?

UK Fan said...

What about this clip where he praises Davy Jones and then compares to himself.

British fan said...

Okay. I have no beef with David wanting to go out there unrehearsed and working off his instincts and adrenaline. If he were truly doing that he would be coming out with different stuff (SONGS!!)all the time (and different banter - please!!), some might work, some might not, but done in an entertaining way, it doesn't matter.

BUT it's the same routine all the time, by the way rehearsed to within an inch of it's life as he's done it so many times, yet he still stumbles, forgets things and has troublesome instruments. It could all be part of the act but to get a real adrenaline rush he needs to just try something different, he can very easily ad-lib through any unforeseen disaster.

If he were happy with this current act as it is, that's okay too, I'd still see the act once or twice, but no more than that. But if he was happy and contented I dont think he'd be having occassional hissy fits.

I still maintain the over-done fan worship at concerts has pushed him off-kilter. He hasn't needed to do anything else so stick to what works eh? He gets his kicks and the crowd gets their's but what happened to David' awesome talent for working up a crowd with the power of his voice. It has come to being all about David and his groupies which is a shame because he spent years trying to shake off this image and 'grow up' but now he seems to have given up and gone backwards full circle.

Despite what I've just written I an a huge fan of David and his work and he certainly entertains in concert. I've just watched your link UK fan. DC certainly has a gift for talking, now if he said those words and then launched into a song he hadn't performed for a while then that would have been excellent, but when you're doing the same songs at every show, excusing your 'unrehearsedness'isn't really needed, he should know those songs in his sleep.

Daydreaming David said...

Thanks for sharing that clip, UK Fan. Hadn't seen it. He talks about Davy Jones' "theatrical" background as though it were different from his but DC has some theatre background as well.

Barbara - Just David said...

Actual title of the song is:
Everybody's Tryin' To Be My Baby.

Be My Baby was by the Ronettes.

Just thought I be annoyingly nick picking. :-)

Barbara - Just David said...

Trivia here:
In early 1964 Davy Jones was appearing on Broadway in "Oliver", and on February 9, 1964 Davy and others in the cast performed two songs from Oliver on the Ed Sullivan show...the SAME night that "some Liverpool group" was appearing on American TV for the first time!!!

Davy's performance is shown on the DVD of The B's Ed Sullivan Shows that came out a couple of years ago.
Davy had NO idea what was going to happen to HIM just two years later - that he would be making girls scream too!!

The Monkees went to London in 1967 and hung out with The B's, too.

Barbara - Just David said...

Oh ironically, up until about 8 years ago, both Davy and David kind of didn't get along with each other. And would make remarks about each other in various interviews. Maybe it was related to the horse business which they are both very heavily involved in, but their sniping was genuine, so to see them now performing together and complimenting each other is....about time!
But, yeah, David also had theatre career - see like his TV bios, he passes over that. :-{

Daydreaming David said...

I love trivia, Barbara, so thanks for these tidbits. You can always double-click on the video to access it on YouTube proper and then leave a comment to the person who uploaded the clip to let them know the title of the song (they might have purposely shortened it so that it would fit on the screen).

singmedavid said...

British Fan, you make a lot of good points. I’m sure no one enjoys his fits!!

If he’s going to keep doing the same things, maybe he should call his concerts The David Cassidy Show, you know, like the Rocky Horror Picture Show? And that way, everyone will know that it’s a show with roughly the same content from performance to performance, with lots of audience participation.

Thanks for the video MaeB (he seems to have an odd sense of humor at times :-0), and for the trivia Barbara!

Great post, DD!!!

MaeB said...

Thanks for telling us to double-click to get to YouTube, DD! I didn't know, so I have watched them in this small format or opened a separate YouTube-page... Wonder how many working hours I would save if I knew all the tricks in the different programmes I use. I went to a course in WordPerfect in the 80.s (for the younger one's: Word for Windows didn't even exist - actually Windows didn't exist), and that's about all. Self learning from then on, except some specialized courses at work for special programmes. This clip has nothing to do with David, but it's really fun, and all of you who has called a helpdesk will love it:

singmedavid said...

That's a cute video, MaeB. I didn't know about the double-clicking either and I've worked on computers developing software my entire career!!! Few of us have time to wade through all the documentation and training available for every product we use (and we use a lot more than we know), so it does help tremendously to have experienced resources to confer with.

How did you learn that DD? Was it just something you stumbled on? That's how I learn a lot of stuff, and I often don't even understand why it works the way it does.

Daydreaming David said...

Cute video MaeB! That was so very much like me, it's embarrassing. I remember being very disconcerted going from the typewriter to the word processor. And then, just as I started feeling comfortable with a computer keyboard, they introduce the mouse! How I hated that "rodent".

I must have read about the double-clicking on a blog somewhere - is it really the first time I mention it here?! Guess I assumed that if I knew how to do it, EVERYONE knew it.

singmedavid said...

You may have mentioned it before DD, but I'd forgotten.

Incidentally, to add more to the confusion, the double-clicking for me only works the first time I click on it AND ONLY ON THE FIRST VIDEO!!! ???? I have to refresh the page to get it to reset. And I can't get it to work at all on the second one. I compared the two sets of html code to embed and I don't see anything different that would cause this. More experimenting would be necessary to tease this out. LOL! Or, it could just be something quirky with the Internet Explorer version I'm using. Sheesh! It's not worth figuring it out. As long as we can do what we want to do with reasonable ease, I don't think it really matters to us users. But, if we are trying to do something that would make our lives easier, and we don't know how, it's always good to ask. :-)

MaeB said...

Oh yes, the good old days with the F-keys and not an endless list of three-key combinations, not to speak about the horrible mouse - I still miss my Word Perfect. Was it F7 to save, F11 to block text etc? Why on earth did that disappear?

MaeB said...

I know the answer to the question myself: WP was not a Microsoft product.