Seeing as a few of you got the ball rolling in my previous post's comments, here's the idea spun off into its separate entry. In the spirit of good fun (that might verge on bad taste) and in the tradition of David Letterman's top ten lists, here are the TOP TEN Partridge Family questions that will never get asked:
10.Who is getting compensated for appearing on the Today show?
9. Which cast members are profiting from current Partridge Family CD and DVD sales?
8. How much does David think his autograph on Partridge Family memorabilia is worth on eBay? (thanks, Racehorses)
7. Was David "intimate" with any of the three Charlie's Angels who guest starred on the show?
6. Danny keeps mentioning David's hair plugs on his radio show: could we get a close up and take a moment to mourn Keith Partridge's hair?
5. Does David regret revealing his intimate encounter with Susan Dey in his autobiographies?
4. Is it true that previously unreleased songs from the show aren't available on CD because David is asking too much money?
3. Why do David's recent concert press bios state that "HE ALONE" was responsible for seven chart-topping Partridge Family hits?
2. Did Shirley ever have the hots for her stepson and vice-versa?
1. Does David want to be remembered for The Partridge Family or was that then and this is now?
(Joking aside, is Danny seeing a specialist about that perpetual frog in his throat?! It sounds like real bad news. As in take your vitamins religiously and get a throat and chest X-ray every six months bad news. :( )
Who wants to bet that these are the top five questions we WILL hear:
- Did you ever think that people would still care about The Partridge Family forty years after its debut?
- Do you mind that you're remembered first and foremost for the show?
- When you signed on, did you know it was going to be a hit?
- How did it feel to be adulated that way?
- What's your fondest memory of the show?
Here's what I will probably email the show:
Longtime fans have seen all the Partridge Family bios so there isn't much mystery left. We want to know the current and upcoming projects of this talented cast. Can we expect any new ORIGINAL recordings from David Cassidy? Also, a lot of his concert-going fans would love to hear him perform material from those three solo RCA albums he did in the mid-seventies.
This year does mark the fortieth anniversary of The Partridge Family's debut on television. Not sure if this cast appearance on the Today show will serve as a proper reunion but it can serve as a memory trigger for those fans who've lost touch with the cast or didn't realize that all four seasons of the show were now available on DVD.
Critics be damned, no other TV show triggers such an immediate feel-good response in me than does The Partridge Family. The show connects me instantly to shiny happy childhood memories and for that, my heart says thank you to the whole cast and crew.
Hahah, DD, I think David would walk out of the studio if ONE of those questions was asked! Today I received an e-mail from informing me that David would appear on the show.
"Polish up the old bus and set those TIVO's & VCR's to 8:00AM next TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd because you don't want to miss the Partridge Family Reunion...", No, David would never want to miss that himself!
"Do you have a question for the former cast of the The Partridge Family? Wonder what it was like to part of a TV family or entertainment history?" Very interesting questions, never asked before and I'm sure David will be VERY HAPPY to share his thoughts and feelings about this with all of us. Let me guess: "That was a fantastic time, it really was. Yes, I did work 24/7, never got any sleep, had girls sleeping outside my house and it was difficult not be able to have a normal life, but it was great,it really was.""I love my fans, they have always been there for me, they still are, they are now in their thirties,, even fifties..("in the TV-show from Dallas). 2010-30=1980??? "You know, the last ten years I've been touring and doing shows and I sing the old songs, and it is so fun. They are great songs!"
I! could be on the show answering those questions! Or any of you! But then David would not get any money, of course.
About Danny: yes, he should go and see a doctor about that throat. Maybe check his lungs, I guess he's been smoking quite a lot in his life. He said fun things on the radio, but I did not appreciate the remarks about David's daughter. What has she got to do with this? I think such remarks are disgusting and not funny at all, but then I have been a feminist since I was 12 in 1972 and would probably be dismissed as an old, bitter bitch without a sence of humour. (In those days the word feminist didn't imply that you were a lesbian or hated men, at least not in Scandinavia, and it still doesn't have that meaning except for some old, bitter ??? - is there even such a word for men?) I'm not sure I wold like David if I knew him, but I'm quite sure that Danny Bonaduce and I would not be very fond of each other.
Well the whole series might be out but Amazon UK only have series 1 & 2 in the correct 'region'. I hope they release a box set of all four. It was a lovely time in history, captured on film. The show was quite sweet and really funny at times. I like the songs they practiced in the garage best, they looked way cooler than when they performed in their 'stage outfits'. Always reminded me of the Sound of Music when Maria made the kids playing clothes out of curtains, looked like they had the same idea for the PF stage costumes. LOL!
On a purely superficial note, are there any PF episodes where 'Keith' wears shorts? David had a lovely pair of legs and I wondered if they were ever exposed on PF (it was sunny California ater all).
You got it, MaeB! Well said. As for Danny B., his "routine" seems to be to shock people with his "non-politically correct" remarks.
DC really has a skewed impression of his fan base demographics. Guess he doesn't realize that for the most part, he was 20 years old and they were 10! Just a ten year difference.
British fan, I did not realize that you could not view all four DVDs of the series. Pity. Keith wearing shorts? There is one "leggy" episode that springs to mind: "The Last of Howard", episode 7 of Season 4, where the family takes a cruise. He's in his swim trunks in a few scenes.
I think you're ok if you have a multi-region DVD player. Ours are built into the TV and will only play what is compatible. I could get copies of series 3 and 4 but they're 'imports' so I need to be sure I can play them. Anyway a box set would be nice so I thought I'd wait a while and see.
DD thanks .. you just made me feel old because I was a teenager in 1970(only just though)!lol.
British Fan season 3 also plays OK in UK and it's only the 4th that doesn't for some stupid reason.
MaeB . the words you're looking for are Male Chauvinist Pigs (MCP) I think !
One for Danny as well 'How come you didn't get the name of the DC fan who took your virginity at such a young age? These days you could name and shame her and get her locked up for paedophilia!'
Had a great laugh at this blog.. thanks DD.
Oh, UK Fan, GOOD one!!
British Fan, in season 2, episode 16 Fellini, Bergman and Partridge, Keith takes a fling at movie making. Lots of good footage of David with his legs apart bending over videotaping, all to Having A Ball. LOL! But there's also this ridiculous scene of him in a striped one piece swimsuit, leaping and prancing through a sprinkler, and then pretending he's a muscle man. And Yes, he's all wet and you can see his legs, but only briefly. :-)
DD, That would be really funny if this list was read on Letterman! Great list! I like all of them but the Shirley hots is probably the most outrageous! LOL!
I'm going to send in a similar question to the one you were planning to ask, as well as a few others.
You got me going there for a minute singme. I didn't think you were going to say LEGS!!!
LOL!! He was quite covered while bending over. Still, some great butt shots!
Singme, you flatter me. This list is way too lame and tame for Letterman.
I recall an episode involving a skunk and, after the family were showered at a hotel/motel and their clothes being cleaned, he appeared only with a towel around his waist. I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he walked around the room (those teenage hormones a-raging). I watched the episode a while ago on YT, and those same (peri-menopausal) hormones were a-raging. Boy, what a gorgeous tanned torso he displayed in that episode!
British fan, I love your comments about different parts of David's body. I could never be so straightforward, I'm far to inhibited for that. And then there's the question about being consistent: wouldn't it make me a Female Chauvinist Pig? Hmm...
Mary, thank you!! I will have to do some screen captures of Keith in that towel. I can't believe I missed that before. Lovely!
I'm trying to submit questions, but I keep getting the Error 404 page. Has anyone had any success this weekend submitting questions? I was wondering if perhaps the link was now closed. But when I email text support, I get the same page! Thanks!
Update - It worked for me now. Not sure if the link was broken before or what. Scott from CGH posted it again.
I put Danny's Friday podcast link on the Feb 24th blog comments. They mention and read some of that chicagoreader blog!!
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