Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Song from David Cassidy...

Well, for me at least. Perhaps if I had been actively following him in the late eighties and early nineties, I might have heard this at one point? Thanks to CherishDavid for sharing it via that great fandom meeting place in cyberspace. His phrasing sounds "lazy" here, for lack of a better word, but his voice is still bloody sexy. The song ain't half bad either. Could still be a hit...


British fan said...

Well'shiver me timbers'what a great song!

According to the discography on the Downunder site (thank you Jane) this song is from 1989. Guess CherishDavid who (thank you) uploaded it must have taped the M & B show it was on or maybe David sang it in concert.

In May 1989 David played 3 songs: Treat Me Like You Used To; Crazy Over You and I'll Never Stop Loving You, on the Mark and Brian Show KLOS-FM in LA. The first and last songs were duets with his wife Sue Shifrin, who co-wrote the songs with David.

Jesus (excuse my profanity) but I've been harping on about David releasing more of his own material whether his or co-written with his wife. What is wrong with the man? Why does he not sing these gems today? As far as I can find, this song is not on any album of his. He should just get some of these songs pressed and SOON. His fans are gagging for more.

Clodyne said...

I never heard this song before and I was wondering where it came from,because I hadn't seen it on any of his albums.After listening to it a few times,I must say that I like it. ;-) That makes me wonder just how many DC songs out there we still haven't heard??

singmedavid said...

He does a great job with this song!!! I really like it. What divine footage of him too!!! I wouldn't be turning away from him like that one fan did when he was singing on the side of her face. gol.

ContraryMary said...

I've never heard this song before but, from the first couple of listens, reckon it's up there with David's better stuff. I just don't understand why he doesn't ever give this calibre of material an airing at his shows. I agree with you British Fan, why doesn't he release his own less known work?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for using my clip...

I love this song soooo much, and it's a shame that it has never been recorded!

I got this recording from a friend of mine!

Lol Marja.

cherisdavid said...

That was me ofcourse

British fan said...

I still can't believe this lovely song has surfaced!Thanks for finding it DD. I must have listened to it 10 times already today. The pictures are wonderful, the clips of David singing in the white shirt are divine. He looks gorgeous, I'm hooked!

British fan said...

I think David should let his hair flop across his face more often. It look's great in that clip where it's parted on the side and tumbling over his forehead. He wears it too severe/coiffed most of the time, it should be more unruly!!!

British fan said...

Thank you for uploading this clip CherishDavid. I like it so much.(Don't have a YT account).

ContraryMary said...

I intended to include in my previous message on this thread about how divine David looks, particularly in the white shirt. Goes without saying really, but I'll say it anyway - sex on legs!

Daydreaming David said...

Please extend our sincere thanks to your friend, CherishDavid. She's made a lot of DC fans happy.

British fan, not sure if Mr. Cassidy's hair is as easy to manage as it once was. There comes a time when men take what they can get in terms of hairstyles. ;-)

British fan said...

Aw, his hair was so thick when he was younger. Guess he's lucky enough to still have a reasonable head of hair, would have been a nightmare if he went bald. Eek don't want to think about that. Lucky for him he was androgynous and not full of testosterone.

SLK said...

I must be the only one who doesn't like this song. It sounds like something his wife wrote---that Jefferson Starship thing going on. Not my taste.

I would bet he couldn't sing this now if he wanted to. Lots of octave jumps and high notes. I don't think his voice is capable of it anymore.

Daydreaming David said...

SLK, this song is better than "Raindrops" which he and his wife massacred on his second 90s album. You're right about him not being able to hit the high notes anymore. A longtime fan recounted him hating a song during a show rehearsal because of high notes he couldn't reach. The song was "Lyin' to Myself".

British fan said...

DD is 'Didn't you used to be' not a very good album? I was mildly interested since he and his wife wrote the songs, it is hard to get hold of though. Maybe not worth it?

I think he could adapt some of his songs into a key and style he could cope with now. I'm sure he's clever enough to do that. I liked the slow accoustic version he did in concert of I think I love you. There's enough material in the vaults for him to play with rather than sticking with the 'same old'.

Daydreaming David said...

Let me put it this way, British fan, "Didn't You Used To Be..." is one of my least played albums of his.

Perhaps other fans will disagree.

singmedavid said...

Cherishdavid, thank you again for posting this wonderful video!!!! I've been playing it over and over.

British Fan, thank you for digging out the information about this song and the show!! And I think you have a great point about playing with the key of the song to better match his voice range.

And I'm in total agreement about the white shirt!!! Those moves too. This video is proving to be quite lust-worthy!!!!! LOL!

Thanks DD! :-)

SLK said...

DD, yes, it's better than "Raindrops", but it could hardly be worse, could it? ;)

Daydreaming David said...

True. Not impossible though. I'm wincing as I think of other songs he's covered. Might have to revisit this topic.

Anonymous said...

Hey DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD DAVIDS CRAZY OVER YOU? I can only find on YouTube and I can’t get it off there I’m kind a new to this! Thanks if anyone can help! Email me at : malaga52000@yahoo.com