Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Urban Dictionary has five definitions for the expression "bedroom eyes". I say scrap them all and replace them with this picture. Anyone still unclear on the concept? Didn't think so ;-)


Anonymous said...

His looks incite such lust they could be categorized as an illegal drug. And he's not even trying.

singmedavid - or - "insert-preferred-verb"medavid. I'm sure several things come immediately to mind. ;=)))))))))))))))

Daydreaming David said...

Oh, you mean like "Tickle Me"? Hey, it worked for Elmo. :-)

Your first comment made me smile. When this crush was re-awakened, I was overwhelmed with wanting to express my feelings. I actually thought of creating some type of David Anonymous online support group with a 12-step program. Tongue in cheek, of course, but goes to show the type of hold the man has. A very addictive specimen.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Or "Rock"-medavid!! "Roll"-medavid!! Yes, very addictive. The online support group sounds like something that would be fun to try!!!! singmedavid

Daydreaming David said...

Yeah, "rock -medavid"! Has a nice ring to it. I might know other four letter words that would work too.;-)
I think an online support group would be a massive failure. All we'd end up doing is exchange pictures.