Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Think I Like You Too

What's happened to good old-fashioned romance in popular culture? Wooing is dead and buried, isn't it? When's the last time you saw a proper turn-your-heart-into-a-helium-balloon romantic movie, comedy or otherwise? Been over ten years, hasn't it? What about songs that describe falling head over heels?

“I Think I Love You” is the classic falling-in-love anthem that catapulted our David Cassidy to stardom. I was listening to it on YT recently (one video of it has gotten over 1.6 millions hits, btw) and as usual, YT helpfully recommended videos based on my selection. One of them was “I Think I Like You” by The Black Box Revelation. At first glance, I thought it was a cover of our beloved ITILY but since it had gotten close to a million views, I figured it had to be a different song. Well, would you look at that, it’s a different TITLE, so yeah, DeeDee, I guess it’s a different song (reading glasses? who, me?).

What a lovely surprise. Thank you Black Box Revelation. I loooove the song’s beat and energy but had to admit that there, in all its glory, was today’s cynicism. As sentimental declarations go, “I Think I Like You” hardly packs the same knee-weakening wallop as “I Think I Love You”, does it? Whatever. I think I like the song. Nah, I’ll go on an emotional limb and declare that I know I like the song.

I liked it so much I had to listen to more of their stuff. Second listen was “Never Alone/Always Together”. The vocals reminded me of Jagger and the rhythm of Smoother’s East Side (I thought everyone knew this song but the video's views say otherwise - do not fear, I've embedded it here). Third up was “High on a Wire”. I like this one too. Looking forward to discovering more of Black Box Revelation.

Anyway, all this fearful sentiment sharing made me wonder about current love songs. What odes to amour would I discover in Billboard’s Top 100? (I’m so very not au courant). I went on Billboard’s site and scanned the titles in search of romantic declarations. Selena Gomez’s “Love You Like a Love Song” had a very promising title and I was intrigued by Jennifer Lopez’s “I’m Into You”. Unfortunately, the songs couldn’t float my rubber ducky in the middle of the Dead Sea but William Levy could. Never mind the Dead Sea, he'd do it in the desert. Who’s Mr. Levy, you ask? In the words of one blogger, he’s a “Cuban actor/model/panty creamer and walking orgasm”. Like dessert, I've saved him for last.

Mind this pic, he’s more than a pretty face. You can see his physique in Ms Lopez’s video. Oh and more pics on You Know You Care, site of the apt description. Go. Now.